

日期:2024-05-05 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:15次 大小:15974126Byte 来源:二一课件通
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开学 第一课 How was your Summer Holiday? passionate relaxing boring unforgettable busy enjoyable 01 C罗的自律self-discipline 目 录 02 放飞自我 Live it up 03 逆风飞翔 Upwind flight Every four years, millions of people gather in summer to watch soccer games and their favorite teams and players. This summer, the World Cup on June 14 in Russia. 每四年,数以百万计的人们聚集在一起观看足球比赛,为他们最喜欢的球队和球员加油。今夏,世界杯于6月14日在俄罗斯拉开序幕(中线开球)。 cheer for kicked o? 1 C罗的自律 Who is your favorite football player? Why does he attract you? Cristiano Ronaldo, the 33-year-old Portuguese star, saved his country's national team with three goals Spain, the world. C罗, 这位33岁的葡萄牙当家球星,面对强敌西班牙,独中三元,以一己之力拯救整个国家队,炸翻了全世界的朋友圈。 C罗的自律 self-discipline stun [st?n] vt. 使震惊;给以深刻的印象 stunning against It was one of the most games as Cristiano Ronaldo scored , made history and earned Portugal in an contest against.这是最受期待的比赛之一,因为c罗在一场比赛中打进了一场帽子戏法,创造了历史,并在一场令人着迷的比赛中为葡萄牙赢得了一场平局。 C罗的自律 self-discipline eagerly anticipated anticipate [?n't?s?pe?t] vt. 预期,期望 eg: I’m anticipating your reply earnestly. a hat trick a draw enthrall [?n'θr??l] vt. 迷住,使着迷 enthralling Ronaldo on instagram:“hard work ” 欧冠客场对阵尤文, C罗的精彩倒钩。 他的倒钩高度2米38, 几乎与球门横梁持平。 C罗的精彩倒钩堪称史诗级别。 他的倒钩高度2米38,几乎与球门横梁持平。 Ronaldo’s bicycle kick Height: 2.38 m, Almost level with the crossbar C罗到底是如何越活越年轻的呢? How does Ronaldo live to be young? 欧冠客战尤文做出惊天倒钩后,C罗在ins上发了一句话:“努力锻炼,终有回报” C罗的自律 self-discipline posted a message pay off 从一撞就飞的花瓶到满身肌肉的“绿巨人”,C罗的进化只有一个秘诀,那就是苦练+严格控制饮食和作息。 C罗的自律 self-discipline From a flying vase to a muscular hulk, there is only one secret to Ronaldo's evolution: . Hard work + Keep a strict diet and routine British media, Ronaldo spent at least an hour per day his waist and abs while at Manchester united. After moving to real Madrid, he with 3,000 sit-ups a day. 据英媒爆料,C罗在曼联效力时,每天最少花一个小时锻炼腰腹肌肉,转会皇马之后更加疯狂,每天3000个仰卧起坐。 C罗的自律 self-discipline working on went crazy According to It was strong waist and abdomen, dorsal muscle, leg muscle achieve the top body charm of Ronaldo. 强健的腰腹、惊人的背肌、霸道的腿部肌肉,成就了C罗顶级的形体魅力。 C罗的自律 self-discipline amazing overbearing that overbearing [??v?'be?r??adj. 傲慢的;压倒一切的 C罗的自律 “Self-discipline is to solve life's problems, and it is also to eliminate the pain in life.” “自律,是解决人生问题的首要工具,也是消除人生痛苦的重要手段。” destroys a person from his mind, appearance, even to life. 不自律会慢慢摧毁一个人的心智、外貌、甚至是人生。 The only way in life self-discipline. 唯有自律,才是解决人生痛苦的根本途径。 the basic set of tools an important means eliminate ... ...

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