
Unit 7 Seasons 第4课时 Integrated Skills 教案+课件+习题

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:75次 大小:8426184Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津译林版英语八年级上册Unit7第4课时教学设计 课题 Seasons 单元 Unit7 学科 英语 年级 八年级 学习目标 知识与能力目标:Know and understand the words of weather: snowstorm, sunshine, wind and some other words: degree, blow, around and so on.Get the ability of describing the weather.过程与方法:To learn the words by showing the pictures and playing the radio types.Task-based teaching, multimedia teaching, inductive teaching.情感态度与价值观:Get a deep feeling and cognition of the seasons and weather. 重点 To know and understand the words of weather. 难点 To describe seasons and weather using some function words. 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Lead-in(6’)Activity 1: drawingThe teacher divides the whole class into four groups. Let them draw the four seasons in their eyes separately in 3 minutes. And then let a representative describe the season briefly. For example: in spring, there are so many flowers and butterflies. Activity 2: guessingThe teacher show four passages which are description of the four seasons and let students match them with the season according to the words they know. 迅速投入课堂,依自己对四季的理解简单画出自己眼中的四季并尝试着去描述。找出自己认识的单词,猜测对应的季节。 为课堂设置悬念,并让学生以一种轻松愉悦的情绪学习接下来的内容。激活学生已有的知识。引出本文话题:描述季节和天气,做铺垫。 Fill in blanks using the correct form of word in the bracket. 5. In summer, the temperature will above 30 (度)in some places. Complete the following sentences according to the Chinese. 1. 昨天下午孩子们在院子里堆雪人。 The children in the yard yesterday afternoon. 2. 当温度达到0°之上,冰可以化成水。 3. 今天晴,但是有稍许雾。 Today is , but it's . 4. 冬天,北方的气温大约持续在夜间-10°到白天1°左右。 In winter, the temperature in the North will stay 1°during the day and - 10° . 5.北京的天气如何 the weather in Beijing Homework(2’)Survey. Let students choose five favorite cities both in west and China and then make a survey about the weather on 1st, December last year. After making a list, try to be a weather reporter and describe the weather to your friends or parents and record down. 认真学习单词,积累自己的词汇量。头脑风暴,发散思维,尽力去多方面描述季节,比如关于天气,景物,感觉,以补充自己的词汇量识记单词。认真听听力材料并回答问题。学习对话中的重点知识,跟读模仿。与小组成员积极练习对话,练习本课所学。模仿天气预报播报员进行天气报道。跟着教师一起绘制本课思维导图,使知识体系逻辑化。 在扩充学生的词汇量的同时,为接下来的听力练习扫清障碍。训练学生的发散思维。巩固复习单词。通过听力考察学生对词汇的掌握程度。加深记忆。帮助学生理解文本,为接下俩的对话作准备。将零散的知识点放到具体语境中,加深学生的记忆与理解。活跃课堂气氛,进行意义性练习。巩固所学。梳理本课的知识脉络,使学生有一个更富逻辑性的理解与认知。 课堂小结 学习有关天气的单词;学会描述天气和季节特色;对大自然、四季、天气有一个更深刻的感悟。 板书 Unit 7 Seasons rain, warm, sunny, soft wind, have picnic, fly kites spring thunder, lightning, s ... ...

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