
Recycle Mike's happy days Day 3 & Day 4 课件 (共20张PPT)无音视频

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:39次 大小:2790036Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件20张PPT。Recycle Day 3 Life on the farm Day 4 Mike's day on the farm小学英语六年级人教PEP版Lead inPresent-Day 3 Life on the farmLook and writeHe goes swimming.He goes boating.She does the homework.She does dishes.He plays ping-pong.He plays basketball.They have some fresh vegetables.They have art class.Present-Day 3 Life on the farmLook and writeMike is drawing.Mrs Brooth is playing the pipa.Two boys and that girl arehaving a picnic.Language pointsPresent-Day 3 Life on the farmSkill He/ She _____ now.is playing basketballPresent-Day 3 Life on the farmSkill He/ She _____now.is doing the homeworkPresent-Day 3 Life on the farmSkill They're_____.playing ping-pongPresent-Day 4 Mike's day on the farmLook and writehad breakfastcleaned my roomwent fishingread a storybookplayed computer gameswent to bedPresent-Day 4 Mike's day on the farmLook and readLanguage pointsPresent-Day 4 Mike's day on the farmTranslate There are three pictures. 有三幅图片 l. Show one picture. 1.展示一张图片。 Bill: It's an elephant. It's big. 比尔:它是一头大象。它很大。Present-Day 4 Mike's day on the farmTranslate 2.Get another picture, but don't turn it over. 2.拿另一张图片,但是不要把它翻转过来。 Bill: Guess! Is this bigger or smaller than the elephant? 比尔:猜!这个比大象大还是小? Mike: I think it's bigger than the elephant. 迈克:我认为它比大象大。 Bill: No, it isn't. It's smaller. Look. It's a tiger. 比尔:不,它不是。它更小。看,它是一只老虎。Present-Day 4 Mike's day on the farmTranslate 3.Show the last picture. 3.展示最后一张图片。 Bill: Look. The other card is a whale. 比尔:看。另一张卡片是一只鲸。 Mike: So the whale is the biggest, and the tiger is the smallest. 迈克:那么鲸是最大的,老虎是最小的。Present-Day 4 Mike's day on the farmSkill He/ She _____ in the morning.had breakfastPresent-Day 4 Mike's day on the farmSkill He/ She _____ in the afternoon.goes fishingPractice 一、选择填空。 1.She _____ to music now. A. listens B. listening C. is listening 2.They _____ in the river. A. swims B. are swimming C. are swimingCBPractice 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1.He _____(be) a doctor. 2.Mary _____(want) to visit her grandma next weekend. 3.They _____(take) a walk after dinner every day. 4. He _____(go) fish last weekend. 三、按要求改写下列句子。 1.The dog feels sad.(改为一般疑问句) _____ 2.The rulers are mine.(改为否定句) _____The rulers aren’t mine.Does the dog feel sad?takewantsiswentSummary Summary

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