
Unit 7 Protect the earth Story time 课件+教案 (24张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:38次 大小:14183831Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 7 Protect the earth Teaching contents教学内容: Jiang Su Yi Lin 6A Unit7 Protect the earth Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标: a. Aims of knowledge 1. At the end of the class, the students will be able to read the new words of “ protect the earth” fluently. 2. At the end of the class, the students will be able to read the whole “story time” fluently, especially for the We should, We should not… We use.. b. Aims of abilities. 1. At th end of the class, the students will be able to understand the sentences” We should and We should not” and can use them to express their opinions about the earth. 2. At the end of the class, the students will be able to retell one of the stories. c. Aims of emotions. 1.At the end of the class, the students will be able to understand that “ We should protect the earth” because earth is our mother. 2.At the end of the class, the students awareness of “protect the earth” should be aroused and do it in our daily life. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1. At th end of the class, the students will be able to understand the sentences” We should and We should not” and can use them to express their opinions about the earth. 2. At the end of the class, the students will be able to retell one of the stories. Preparation教学准备: PPT, books, teaching plans. Teaching procedures教学过程: Step 1. Warm up T :Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning, Miss/Mr.. T : I have lots of hobbies, can you guess what are my hobbies? S: Do you like singing? T: Yes, I do. S: Do you like swimming? T: Yes, I like swimming very much. S: Do you like playing games? T: Yes, I do. T: But I like one thing best, guess. S: Do you like…? T: Yes, you’re so clever, I like riding bikes best, but why/ S: Because I think it’s very healthy. T: Yes, because it’s very “green”(PPT presents the picture of Pm.2.5) T: why should we ride bikes? S: Because of the PM2.5 Step 2 .Presentation T: Yes, the PM2.5 is so heavy, now let’s watch a video called”Our home”, please watch it carefully and tell me what things can you see in this video?(play the video) S: I can see some animals, they’re in danger. S2: I can some air pollution S3: I can some water, they’re dirty. S4: I can see the trees, they’ve been cut down. S5: The earth is in danger. Animals are in danger/ Water is in danger…. T: Yes, and also this(PPT presents the plastic bags and plastic bottles. ) T: So today we’re going to learn” Protect the earth”. T: First, Let’s listen to the story and circle the problems. What problems are mentioned in the story? S: The problem is water. S2: Trees are the problems. S3: We should save energy. S4: And plastic. T: You did a good job, boys and girls. Now let’s listen to the tape again and tell the names of each story. T: Did you get it? Let’s check. S1: The first is save water S2: The second is save energy. S3: Next is save trees. S4: Don’t use too much plastic. T: Well done, boys and ... ...

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