
Module 2 Unit 1 This one is heavy 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:84次 大小:185997Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 2 Unit 1 This one is heavy. 同步练习 ( ) 1. supermarket A. B. ( ) 2. sweets A. B. ( ) 3. car A. B. ( ) 4. ice cream A. B. ( ) 1. go to the supermarket A.乐于助人的孩子们 ( ) 2. carry the bag B.提起包 ( ) 3. helpful children C.去超市 A. I want some. B. The supermarket. C. Let me help you. ( ) 1. Where are you going? ( ) 2. There are many sweets over there. ( ) 3. The bag is heavy. I can't carry it. A. oranges B. heavy C. sweets D. supermarket E. fruit Today is Sunday. I'm going to the 1._____ (超市) with my mother. There is much 2._____ (水果) here, apples, pears and yellow 3._____ (橘子). My mother buys some 4._____ (糖果) for me. Our bags are very 5._____ (重的). A man helps us put the bags in our car. My mother gives him a big apple to thank him. 1. Let’s go to the supermarket. _____ _____ 2. This bag is heavy. I can’t carry it. _____ _____ 3. There are many sweets over there. _____ _____ 参考答案 1. B????2. B????3. B????4. A????? 1. C  2. B  3. A?? 1. B  2. A  3. C 1. D  2. E  3. A  4. C  5. B 1. 让我们一起去超市吧。 2. 这个包很重,我拿不动。  3. 那里有很多糖果。 

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