
外研社高中英语必修三Module 6 Old and New reading and vocabulary 课件(共19张)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:67次 大小:3460461Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件19张PPT。Module 6The Three Gorges Dam 才饮长沙水 又食武昌鱼 万里长江横渡 极目楚天舒 不管风吹浪打 胜似闲庭信步 今日得宽馀 子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫    风樯动 龟蛇静 起宏图 一桥飞架南北 天堑变通途 更立西江石壁 截断巫山云雨 高峡出平湖 神女应无恙 当惊世界殊 《水调歌头·游泳》毛泽东 “walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges” 瞿塘峡The First Gorge Qutang Gorge 巫 峡The Second Gorge Wu Gorge 西 陵 峡The Third Gorge Xi Ling Gorgedream(v.) energy generate harness historical narrowpoem power power station submerge suggest construction Fast-reading Scan the passage and match each paragraph with its main idea. Para.1  A.the advantages of the Three Gorges Dam Para.2  B.what happened to the people there Para.3  C.what happened to the historical sites there Para.4  D.the dream of Mao Zedong Para.5  E.the Three Gorges Dam The advantages of building the dam:1. It can control flooding in the central region of China.2. It can provide hydro-electric power for the central region of China.3. It can generate electricity without increasing global warming or causing so much air pollution like burning coal.The disadvantages of building the dam:1. It has flooded 2 cities,11 counties,140 towns, more than 4,000 villages 2. More than a million people have moved from their homes3. About 800 historical relics were submerged.The Qu Yuan TempleThe Han WatchtowerMoya cliff carvingsCareful-reading 1.Why is the Three Gorges Dam constructed? A.To harness the Yangtze River. B.To control flooding and provide power for the central region of China. C.To reduce the air pollution caused by burning coal. D.To realize Mao Zedong's dream. 2.Who came up with the idea of constructing a dam? A.Mao Zedong.  B.Sun Yat-sen. C.The government. D.Some experts.√√3.What is the benefit after the construction? A.Many cities,towns and villages have been flooded. B.More than one billion people in the region have moved from their homes. C.The Three Gorges Dam area has become one of the most beautiful areas of China. D.Many famous historical sites have been flooded. 4.What can we learn from the passage? A.More than a billion people have moved from their homes. B.The dam makes sure that the Yangtze River won't cause floods. C.China's electricity is mainly generated by burning coal. √√True OR False1. The poem by Mao zedong is to attract the readers’ interest. 2.The Three Gorges Dam has been built to control the drought and generate electricity. 3.The dam generates electricity without causing air pollution. 4. The reservoir has flooded many people’s homes and 80 historical relics. 5. Some of the flooded relics are being rebuilt and some are being put into museums.TfloodingT about 800 removedFFFDiscussion Is it necessary for us to protect some historical sites,especially some very old buildings? I think it is necessary for us to do so.They are great constructions made in ancient time.And they are historical relics. Thou ... ...

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