
Module 11 Way of life Unit 1 In China ,we open a gift later.(共26张PPT)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:24次 大小:1719561Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件26张PPT。Way of lifeModule 11Language points Language pointsUnit 11. gift n. 礼物 something that you give to someone as a present They like to buy a special anniversary gift for Mom and Dad. What a wonderful gift! However, I was not prepared for the gifts I was about to receive. 2. surprise n. 惊奇;意外之事 an unusual or unexpected event v. 使(某人)吃惊 to give someone a feeling of surprise Your letter certainly came as a surprise! I couldn't hide my surprise. It surprised me to have such perfect peace.3. immediately adv. 立刻;当即 very quickly and without delay I knew immediately that Miss Chen had told the truth. The door opened immediately.4. difference n. 差别;差异 something that makes one thing or person not the same as another thing or person This difference in temperature is caused by the sun. We are going to look at how you can make a difference. 5. accept v. 收受;接受 to take something that someone gives you, or to say yes to an invitation or offer I am here to accept the award on Ms King’s behalf. Are you going to accept this first offer? They offered me a job in the supermarket, and I accepted. 6. tradition n. 传统习俗 a very old custom, belief, or story It was a tradition of the ancient world. The story is based mainly on tradition. Parents bring up their children in accordance with their own traditions.7. example n. 例子;实例 something that you mention in order to show the type of thing you are talking about and to help explain what you mean for example 例如 used when mentioning something that shows the type of thing that you are talking about and helps to explain what you meanMany sports are still dominated by men — football is an obvious example. For example, a modern university needs scientific instruments.8. must v.aux. 必须;应该 used for ordering someone to do or not do something, or used for saying that it is your duty to do something I must stay here and look after my father. Before trees are made into paper, they must be cut down. He must wait for a few minutes.9. month n. 月;月份 one of the 12 periods that a year is divided into, such as January, February, etc. A month later my mother was well again. Every month I learn to do or to make something new. The captain stayed week after week, month after month. 10. serious adj. 认真严肃的;不开玩笑的 meaning what you say or do, and not making a joke Bob's face is very serious. Do you think Mike is serious about going to live in New Zealand?11. taste v. 有……的味道 to have a particular flavour n. 味道;滋味 the flavour that something creates in your mouth when you eat or drink it The food was dry and didn't taste very good. The taste was very nice, like chocolate and oranges and hot sweet coffee, and very soon Alice finished the bottle.Language pointsUnit 21. stay n. 逗留;停留 a limited period of time that you live somewhere I hope you enjoyed your stay with us. I met her during my short stay at the hospital.2. someone pron. 某人;有人 used for referring to a perso ... ...

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