

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:62次 大小:1165028Byte 来源:二一课件通
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英语语法--名词 毕业班专用 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.She is a good _____(cook). 2.He likes to eat_____(apple)and_____(potato). 3.In her_____(speak), she mentioned her family. 4.As students, we should try to get more_____ to build our motherland. 5.Tomas Edison is one of the greatest_____ in the world. 6.She was so excited to receive a dozen of roses from her husband on_____Day. 课前热身 cook apples potatoes speech knowledge inventors Women's 考点分析 名词考点: 1.名词的数(可数名词和不可数名词) 2.名词的所有格 考点讲解 考点精讲精析 考点一:可数名词 ?可数名词有单数和复数两种形式,表示一个或多个。单个名词表示泛指,前面加a/an(元音因素的名词开头其前加an;反之则用a)。如:an ungly man, a useful book。复数形式通常加-s/-es。如:books, classes。 可数名词复数形式分规则变化和不规则变化。 1.规则变化 1)一般情况下在词尾直接加-s 。如:cap-caps ; star-stars 2)以-s,-x,-ch,-sh结尾的名词,在词尾加-es。如:bus-buses; box-boxes 3)部分以-f,-fe结尾的名词,把-f,-fe改为-v,再加-es。 如:self-selves; life- lives 4)以辅音字母加-y结尾的名词,把-y改为-i再加-es。 如:baby-babies; party-parties 5)四个以-o结尾的名词,其复数加-es。它们分别是:Negro黑人, hero英雄,potato马铃薯,tomato西红柿。 可巧记为:黑人英雄喜欢吃马铃薯和西红柿。 1)表示国民的词: ① 以-ese结尾,单复数同形。如Chinese, Japanese ②以-an结尾,直接加-s。如American-Americans; Australian-Australians ③以-man结尾,变man为men。如Frenceman-Frencemen; Englishman-Englishmen 2.不规则变化 2)复合名词 ①复合名词中做定语的词为woman, man时,两个名次都要变为复数。如:woman doctor-women doctors; man teacher-men teachers ②复合名词中做定语的词为其他词时,只变后一个名词为复数。 如:apple tree-apple trees; girl friend-girl friends 3)特殊词 ①改变中间的元音字母,如: foot-feet; tooth-teeth; man- men; woman-women. ②单复数同行:sheep; deer; fish; people; means ③其他特殊变化:mouse-mice; child- children 注意: 1)people作“人们”讲时,看作复数,不能再其后加-s,谓语动词要用复数形式;family,class是集体名词,即指单数,又指复数,谓语动词可用单数也可用复数,具体根据语境定。 2)有些名词以-s结尾,但表达的是单数意义,如:news,maths,politics,physics,the United States等。 3)常以复数形式出现的词,如:glasses, trousers,shoes,gloves,stocks,shorts等,要表达他们的量时,常要用pair,如:a pair of glasses/shoes等。 4)“the+姓氏复数”表示“一家人或夫妇二人”如:The Greens 格林一家/格林夫妇。 5)年份前面加the,后面加-s,表示年代,如:the 1980s,表示20世纪80年代。 巩固练习: 1.--How many_____ do you want? --A kilo, please. A.potato B.bread C.bananas D.milk 2.You can buy some flowers for_____. A.woman teachers B.women teachers C.women teacher D.woman teacher 3.Those_____ are all from_____. A.man docters;Japanese B.men docters;Japan C.man docters; Japan √ √ √ 4.There are many_____ playing in the playground. A.child B.children C.man teachers D.sheeps 5.There was a food accident in this primary school. About 60_____ were ill, but no_____ were lost. A.child;lives B.children;life C.children;lives D.child;life √ √ 考点二:不可数名词 一般指物质名 ... ...

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