
Unit 10 Air 第二课时 (课件+教案+练习)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:34次 大小:11549848Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 10 Air(2) 深圳牛津版 六年级上 alive everywhere balloon factory dirty clean Review Ask and answer Ask and answer Free talk Where does air pollution come from New words 工厂_____ smoke_____ 脏的_____ clean_____ 感到疼_____ fresh_____ 植树_____ plant_____ 烟 factory dirty 干净的 hurt 新鲜的 种植 plant trees Say and act Ask and answer What’s the matter with Kitty It’s the smoke. It’s from cars, buses and the factory. Her eyes hurt. What hurts her eyes Where is the smoke from Ben: What’s the matter, Kitty Are you crying Kitty: I’m not crying. My eyes hurt. Ben: It’s the smoke. Kitty: Where is the smoke from Ben: It’s from the cars and buses. Kitty: Look at the black smoke from the factory. Ben: It makes the air dirty. Kitty: Let’s go to the park, Ben. The air is clean there. Ben: OK. Say and act Kitty: The air is so fresh here. Ben: Yes. There are a lot of trees in the park. Trees keep the air clean. Kitty: We should plant more trees and keep the air clean. Ben: Yes! We should keep our city clean. Say and act What’s the matter, Kitty Language point 凯蒂,发生什么事了? What’s the matter =What’s wrong 例子:—你怎么啦?—我丢了书包。 What’s the matter with you I lost my schoolbag. It makes the air dirty. Language point 它使空气污染。 make 制作,使 make sth./sb. +adj 是某物…… 例子:He makes me happy. Compete the notes factory cars buses dirty fresh clean trees clean Listen and imitate Role play Show time 2人一组,分角色表演对话 Ask and answer Look at the pictures. Talk about them with your classmates. S1: What makes the air dirty S2: The smoke from... makes the air dirty. S1: What should we do to keep the air clean S2: We should ... S1:What makes the air dirty? S2:The smoke from the car makes the air dirty. S1:What should we do to keep the air clean? S2:We should ride a bike. Ask and answer Ask and answer S1:What makes the air dirty? S2:The smoke from the factory makes the air dirty. S1:What should we do to keep the air clean? S2:We should plant trees. Practice 你看起来很伤心,怎么啦? He makes a beautiful card. 3.来自工厂的废气使空气变脏。 翻译下列句子。 You look sad,what's the matter? 他制作了一个漂亮的卡片。 The waste gas from the factory makes the air dirty. Summary 单词: air,everywhere,alive,balloon, factory,smoke,dirty,clean 句子: It is important to all people. We all need it to keep us alive. 板书设计 Unit 10 Air(第二课时) 1. 词汇:factory, smoke, dirty, clean, fresh, plant trees 2. 句型:It makes the air dirty. Trees keep the air clean. Homework Listen and read the passage five times. Copy the new new words and phrases . 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员? 欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!!月薪过万不是梦!! 详情请看: https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津深圳版英语六年级上册Unit 10 Air第二课时教学设计 课题 Air 单元 Unit 10 学科 英语 年级 ... ...

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