

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:90次 大小:7102221Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    八年级英语卷2018.11 ( 试卷满分:140分 考试时间 110分钟) 第I卷 (选择题,共80分) 一、听力(本题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分) A) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。 ( )1. Which girl is Mary? A. B. C. ( )2. Where will we go the coming holiday? A. B. C. ( )3. What kind of animal are they talking about? A. B. C. ( )4. What does the boy often do after school? A. B. C.  ( )5. How long does Tom spend on his hobbies now? A. About two hours. B. About half an hour. C. About an hour. ( )6. Why didn’t the man catch the plane? A. Because he didn’t start early. B. Because he didn’t know the way to the airport. C. Because the traffic was too heavy. ( )7. How often do they have a class meeting? A. Once a week. B. Every day. C.Every Wednesday. ( )8. Why is the woman going to New York? A. To work there. B. To visit a friend. C. To have a holiday. ( )9. What’s the time now? A. 7:00. B. 7:15. C. 8:00. ( )10. When was Jack born? A. In 1993. B. In 1995. C. In 1997. B) 听下面一段对话,回答第11至第12题。对话读两遍。 ( ) 11. Who are they? A. A mom and a son. B. A doctor and a patient (病人). C. A teacher and a student. ( )12.What are they talking about? A . Where to eat lunch. B. When to eat lunch. C. What to do on the playground. C)听一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。短文读两遍。 Some information about Mary Last term She studied at 13 Middle School. This term All her teachers and classmates are nice to her. But she still feels 14 . Today It’s her 15 day at the new school. ( )13. A. Sunshine B. Star C. Moon ( )14. A. excited B. unhappy C. afraid ( )15. A. first B. third C. second D) 听第二篇短文,短文后有5个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确选项。短文读两遍。 ( )16. Why is Eddie’s father in hospital? A. A motorcycle hit him. B. He was hurt in a bus accident. C. A car hit him when he was walking. ( )17. What do the doctors say about his leg? A. It is not too serious. B. It is very serious. C. It doesn’t need an operation(手术) at all. ( )18. How long should Eddie’s father stay in hospital? A. For one week only. B. For one month. C. For at least two weeks. ( )19. What do Eddie and his mother bring him every day? A. Fruit and a newspaper. B. Food and paper C. Snacks and magazines. ( )20. What should Eddie’s father do now? A. Feel sorry for himself. B. Follow the doctor’s words. C. Go home to stay with his family. 二、单项填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( )21.--I think English is _____ unimportant subject. --I don’t think so. It is _____useful tool in today’s world. A. a, an B. an, a C. a, a D. an, an ( ) 22--Do you know where Daniel went ? --Daniel had one month _____ last month and learned how to put ____ lights. A. off, in B. off, up C. of, in D. of, up ( )23. — Yesterday, my father bought me a new mobile phone, but I don’t know how to use it. — Why not read the _____ first before using it? A. adver ... ...

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