
Unit 5 It was here just now 第4课时课件(共16张PPT)无音视频

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:48次 大小:2864258Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件16张PPT。 Unit5 It Was Here Just Now陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级上册Part B Look and say Part C Listen and match Order and act Read and put the things back 课前热身From the dialogue, we know Liu Zhaoyang’s father was at the same school thirty years ago. At that time, the school was small. There was a small library. And there were about six hundred students in the school. But now, there are about two thousand. It is a big school. How many students are there in our school, do you know?话题导入What is it?farmparkcinema library话题导入Who are they?Kitty Colin Kevin Alice 课文原文课文原文254367课文原文课堂互动Let’s play—Hide and seek Where is my…?课文原文Look and sayWhat can you see in the picture?课文原文重难点探究— Where were you yesterday? 昨天你在哪里? — I was in my house. 我在我的房子里。 该问句句意为“昨天你在哪里”, 是一个含有be动词过去式的特殊疑问句, 询问过去的活动情况。be动词过去式(was/were)要根据主语人称和数的变化而变化。回答时也要根据句意,变化be动词过去式的形式。重难点探究句型结构:特殊疑问词 + be动词过去式(was/were) + 主语 + 其他? 回答:主语 + be动词过去式(was/were) + 其他. — Where was his father last Sunday?上星期日他爸爸在哪里? — His father was on the farm. 他的爸爸在农场里。 — How was your weekend?你的周末怎么样? — It was great. 很棒。 答案: 1. are; were 2. Were; was 3. Is; was 4. Are; am巩固练习are am is were was   1. A: Where     my sunglasses, Mom?? B: I don‘t know. They     on the table just now.? 2. A:     you at home last night?? B: No. I     at Jim’s birthday party.? 3. A:     there a map on the wall?? B: No, but there     one last year.? 4. A:Hello, Peter!     you at school now?? B: No. I     at the cinema with Tom.?回顾小结重 点 句型 — Dad, were you at this school thirty years ago?爸爸, 三十年以前你在这所学校吗? — Yes, I was. 是的, 我在。It was here just now. 它刚才就在这里。 I have to go now. 我现在不得不走了。课后作业1 和同学互用新句型提问,回答并写下来。Thank You

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