
Unit12 Life is full of the unexpected. SectionA2d&Grammar focus 公开课(课件+练习+素材)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:78次 大小:23545103Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit12 Life is full of the unexpected. SectionA2d&Grammar focus同步练习 完成句子。 1.当他到达学校的时候,老师已经开始上课了。 By the time he got to school, the teacher _____ _____ _____ teaching. 2.我起床晚了,因为我的闹钟没有响。 I got up late because my alarm clock _____ _____ _____. 3.当地震发生的时候,一些人从大楼里冲了出去。 Some people _____ _____ _____ the building when the earthquake happened. 4.昨天Tony的爸爸用他的小汽车捎了我一程。 Tony's father _____ _____ _____ _____ in his car yesterday. 5.当他走进教室时,他才意识到他忘了带书包。 When he came into the classroom,he _____ that he _____ _____ to bring his schoolbag. 单选。 1.—Why was he late for school yesterday? —He overslept. By the time he got to the bus stop, the bus _____ already _____. A. was, leaving B. has, left C. would, leave D. had, left 2.By the time I _____ on the TV, Beckham _____ two goals. A.?turned; have scored?????????????????????????????????????????B.?turned; had scored C.?had turned; have scored??????????????????????????????????D.?had turned; had scored 3..I must get up early tomorrow morning.Please wake me _____. A.out B.off C.down D.up 4.The meeting _____ when Mr. Wang _____ to school. ?A. has begun; get??? B. has been on; get??? C. had begun; got??? D. had been on; got 5. — Just tell me _____. — My parents left me at home and I had lunch alone. A.?where you had lunch???????????????????????????????????????B.?when you had lunch C.?what you had for lunch????????????????????????????????????D.?who you had lunch with 三、在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。 A: What happened to you yesterday, Linda? B: I went _____?in the mall yesterday. After I had bought something, I went to a part of the mall to have a drink. A: Then, _____??up? B: Before I got to my seat, a tall man _____?a bag had sat down at the same table. A: A man ? B: Yes. I'm not _____?enough. Before I went to bring my drink, I put my handbag on the chair. A: I can imagine what _____?to you next. You must _____?something. B: And I believe in everyone. Before I noticed the man, he had left with his bag. When I was ready to pay _____?my drink, I found my purse(钱包) was 1ost. The man had _____?away my purse. A: What a pity! B: _____?, a waiter in a nearby restaurant found my purse in a dustbin(垃圾箱). He telephoned me yesterday evening. A: It must be all out. B: No, everything was in _____?money. 四、完形填空。 ? ? Jasmine stood in the hall, seeming very calm.She thought she 1 ready for the English speech.She 2 ?very hard at her speech during the last two weeks. She had memorized her words of the speech very well 3 she arrived at the hall. She had even stayed up the whole night 4 ?the speech by herself at home. However, as the English speech was about to begin, she became very 5 .She realized that she had forgotten 6 ?her notecards already. She seemed 7 .She didn't know 8 she could do well in the speech. Luckily she had practiced 9 ?well that she didn't use her notecards at all ... ...

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