
Unit 1 It's big and light 课件+素材 2份 课件24张PPT 23张PPT

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:34次 大小:16072899Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件23张PPT。Module 5 Unit 1 It's big and light.Play a game:抢答反义词tallshortnewoldfatthinshortlongbigsmallListen and choose the answer.1. The kite is and . ( ) A. big; light B. small; light2. The bike is and . ( ) A. blue; black B. blue; whiteABIt’s heavy. ( )A. It’s the green bag.B. It’s the red bag.ADo pairwork.It’s light. ( )A. It’s the blue book.B. It’s the yellow book.BIt’s small. ( )A. It's the black bag.B. It's the green bag.AThey’ re new. ( )B. They're the white shoes.A. They're the blue shoes.A Lingling’s bag isbroken.Department StoreListen and tick. 听音并在方框里打“√”。 The black bagThe green bagThe blue bagMs Smart: Lingling, look at your bag! It’s broken. You can’t take it to China. I’ll buy you a new one. Lingling: Thank you. At the Department StoreLingling: This black bag is nice. It’s big! Ms Smart: But it’s heavy. This green one is light. And it’s got two pockets. You can put your umbrella there. Lingling: But it’s small.Ms Smart: Look at this blue one. It’s big and light. Lingling: Oh yes! Sales assistant: And it’s got four wheels. It’ll be easy for you to carry. Ms Smart: Great! We’ll take it. Lingling: Thank you very much. The yellow pencils are broken.The blue pencils are new.The blue kite is small.The red kite is big.Look and write.Look and write.Homework: 1. Read Module 5 Unit 1 three times. 2. Finish exercises. 3. Describe one thing you like to your parents, let them guess what it is. (对父母描述一样自己喜欢的物品,让他们猜猜是什么。) 课件24张PPT。Module 5 Unit 1 It's big and light.redorangeyellowgreenblackbluepurpleLet’s say the opposite words.bigsmalltallshortlongshortfatthingoodbadnewoldyoungoldheavy(重的)light(轻的) It’s small and light.It’s big and heavy.It’s got two pockets..pocket 口袋破的It’s broken..What’s the matter with his coat?They’re broken..Let's chant.heavy, heavy, the desk is heavy light, light, the ball is light broken, broken, the egg is broken pocket, pocket, it's got a pocket.Ms smart: Look at this blue one. It‘s big and light. Lingling: Oh yes ! Sales assistant: And it‘s got four wheels. It’ll be easy for you to carry. Ms Smart: Great! We’ll take it. Lingling: Thank you very much. Ms smart: Lingling, look at your bag! It’s broken. You can't take it to China. I'll buy you a new one. Lingling: Thank you. Lingling: This black bag is nice. It’s big! Ms smart: But it’s heavy. This green one is light. And it’s got two pockets. You can put your umbrella there. Lingling: But it's small.Read the text again and finish the table:√√√√√√ Read and choose 1. What does Lingling need? A. toy B. bag C. book 2. Where are Lingling and Ms Smart? department store B. station C. library 3. What’s the black bag like? heavy B. small C. light 4. Which bag has got pockets? A. blue B. black C. green√√√√Summary{It’s heavy.light.broken. got two pockets.It hasIt’sIt isbuybrokennicebigheavylightpocketssmallbiglightwheelseasy Retell the story The green bag is heavy.Let’s talk about ... ...

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