

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:35次 大小:10866331Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    9年级 英语 参考答案: 1-10 1—5 BBAAB 6—10 CCBBC 11.(3分) Lisa White is 14 years old. She is from the United States. She now lives with her parents and her brother in Shenzhen. Her mother works in a hospital. She is a doctor.(She treats women patients. )Her father works at a high school. He is a teacher. He teaches English. Her family really enjoy living in China. 12.(1分) How old is your younger/ little brother?/ What’s the age of your younger/ little brother? 13. (1分)How often do you return to your hometown?/ How often do you go back to your hometown? 14-18 CBACB 19-23 ABCBB 24-28 CBABC 29-33 BCBBA 34-38 BCAAC 39-42 DCAB 43-46 DCCB 47-50 DBCD 51-54 CBAD 55-58 DCBA 59-63 from, newspapers, him, to understand, interested 64-68 proudly, than, a, invented, Looking 范文 Dear parents, Nowadays, many of you spend much time on your cell phones. You seldom talk with your children about their daily life. It has a bad influence on family relationships. As adults, you tell children not to focus too much on phones. However, you yourselves are addicted to them. It’s bad for their growth. In my opinion, it’s important for you to improve your parent-child relationship. First, you should set a good example for your kids and use mobile phones less. Second, you should spend more time with your children. You can do many things together such as reading, taking a walk or doing housework. I believe your kids will be much happier if you accompany them more.

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