
Module 10 The weather Unit 3 Language in use 2 练习

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:34次 大小:254820Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module10 The weather Unit3 Language in use Period2 同步练习 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.It is _____ ( freeze ) in February , isn’t it ? 2.Will it be _____ ( shower ) tomorrow? 3.Bring your umbrella because it may _____ ( rain ) later. 4.I bought a science book for my son, but he has no _____ (interesting) in it. 5..It’s a good way _____ ( improve ) your English study. 二、情景交际。 Zhao Xuan—Z Jane—J Z: Hi, Jane. What’s your plane for the five-day holiday? J: I’m going to travel to Qingdao. Z: (1) _____ It’s the best place to travel this time. J: I think so. What’s the weather like in winter in your hometown? Z: It’s very cold. (2) _____ J: What about summer? Z: It’s hot and clear most of the time. Please tell me weather about your hometown. J: OK. The seasons are different from yours. (3) _____ Z: Really? You can eat Christmas dinner in hot sunshine! J: Yes, we often go to the beach on Christmas Day for dinner. (4) _____ Z: That’s very interesting! J: (5) _____ Z: Thank you! A. It’s cold and rainy during June and July and warm in December. B. Welcome to my hometown at any time! C. Sounds great! D. Does it often snow? E. There are many beautiful beaches in our country, Australia. F. Not very, but it’s windy. G. The temperature from time to time drops to fifteen below zero. 三、阅读。 Rainforests (热带雨林) cover six percent of the earth's surface (表面). There are rainforests in many parts of the world. About 75 percent of animals live in rainforests. There are many beautiful birds, insects and so on. Some of them live on the ground, some live under the ground and others live in the trees, over 30 meters from the ground. It is always hot in the rainforests and the ground is always wet. It is also very dark there. ??? The rainforests are very important for us. We need them! The trees and other plants in the forest help to make the air clean. They also help to control (控制) the temperature. ??? Unfortunately, in many places, the rainforests are in danger. For example, many years ago there was a large rainforest in Java, but now there is nothing. The same thing happens now in many other parts of the world. It's time to take action to save the rainforests. We can never imagine a world without rainforests. If rainforests disappeared from the earth, we wouldn't find any trees, flowers or fruits. What's more, we wouldn't get clean air, and we wouldn't find any animals. The worst result would be that we wouldn't find any humans. (1)How many animals live in rainforests? A.?About thirty percent.??????????????????????????????????????? B.?About ninety percent. C.?About three quarters.?????????????????????????????????????? D.?About seventy-five percent. (2)The trees and other plants in the forest _____. A.?make the air dirty?????????????????????????????????????????????B.?control the temperature C.?pollute the rivers??????????????????????????????????????????????D.?stop the noise pollution (3)What does the underlined word “Unfortunately” ... ...

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