
牛津深圳版九年级英语上册 Module 3 Leisure time Unit 5 Action listening and speaking 课件(共28张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:60次 大小:7498877Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件28张PPT。U5 ListeningSuppose your friend Lily want to visit our school, but she doesn’t know the way…the plan of Ersha IslandWhere can you find the following plans?Warming Upfloor plango down go straight ofBefore Listening: Look and say. The direction words: turn left turn right on the right on the left next to Visiting the TV stationturn left/right at the second crossingTo listen to and understand a floor plan, you should do the following: Take a look at the floor plan and understand the _____ and _____ before you listen. Pay attention to expressions like:Listening Tips 1"It’s straight ahead …", "Go down …", "It’s opposite/ to the right/ left of …", etc.signssymbolsJanet Smith’s officethe restaurantthe Travel Quiz studio1st Listening: Listen to the recording. Then write the name of each place in the blanks.Waiting room: We need to _____ _____ this hall, _____ _____ at the men’s toilet, and then _____. It’s the _____ room on the _____. Travel Quiz studio: It’s right _____ _____. When we leave the waiting room, we should _____ _____, and then _____. The Travel Quiz studio is _____ _____ Room 15 on the right.2nd Listening: Listen to the recording again. Then complete the blanks below.go downturn rightleftsecondleftover thereturn leftrightnext toStudio restaurant: It’s just _____ the waiting room. It should be _____ _____ _____ us. Janet Smith’s room: Although there are many rooms here, it’s easy to find her office. It’s _____ _____ Studio 3 and _____ _____ Room 9. 2nd Listening: Listen to the recording again. Then complete the blanks below.beforestraight ahead ofacrossfromnext toAfter listening: In pairs, make conversation according to the given situations.Suppose you have just come out of Janet Smith’s office. You want to go to the waiting room. You ask someone working there for help. Suppose you have just come out of the waiting room. You want to go to the restaurant. You ask someone working there for help.S1: Now I’m in/at ... How can I go to … from here? S2: You can …Could you tell me ___ ____ ____ the restaurant? Which is ___ ____ ____ the restaurant, please? Do you know ___ ____ ____ the restaurant? Do you know ___ ___ ___ __ the restaurant? _____ is the restaurant, please? ____ can I ____ ____ the restaurant? ____ _____ a restaurant near here? the way to the way to the way to Where How get to Is there how to get to I. Fill in the blanks. Asking the wayListening Tips 2 To listen to a floor plan and take notes at the same time, you should do the following: Use _____and _____to represent the long words. For example: SW, NE, T road short formssignsListen to the excerpt from another quiz show and answer the questions. 1. Where does Mark start from? The lobby. 2. How much money is the prize? 20,000 yuan. 3. How much time do they have to find the prize? Three minutes. 4. Do they win the prize? No.Extra listening: Book B P85 Listen to the excerpt again, and draw Mark’s journey on the floor plan. Put an X where the prize shou ... ...

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