
牛津深圳版(广州沈阳通用)八年级英语下Module 2 Unit 3 Traditional Skills---revision 公开课教学课件 (共35张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:84次 大小:10352601Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件35张PPT。Unit 3Oxford EnglishRevision Traditional skills迷人的简单的健康的准备好的粗糙的挂下潜到达需要实践网柱子工具剪刀图案文字人物渔夫黄昏一直出发至多有不再起伏代表健康或好运的中国文字Eye CatchingWho is she?Michelle Obamathe US First LadyThe US First Lady in Chinawhat is she interested in?Do you know other Chinse traditional skills?some other traditional skillsdough toy makingshadow puppet playssome other traditional skillsChinese knotspaper cuttingsome other traditional skillscormorant fishingcompetition Who is the winner?Cormorants are large black_____. They are good at _____ _____because they can ____ _____ and stay under the water for up to _____ .The fisherman usually ___ ___ in the late afternoon. He _____ a piece of grass around their neck to stop them from_____.He uses several ways to _____ fish. After dark, he _____ a light on a post at the front of the boat.No nets _____ _____ for this type of fishing. Shadow puppet plays are made of_____.Each puppet is painted in _____ and put on _____ . The arms and legs are_____.How to put on a shadow puppet play?what are requred to make dough toys?What tools are used to make paper cutting? What patterns are used in paper cutting?When do people stick the paper cuttings on their windows? What is a Chinese knot made of? Why do people carry the knots with them or put them up at home?What do you think of our traditional skills?1. not as popular as before 2. ancient Chinese art 3 have a long history 4 try to protect them and keep them alive 请用英语介绍一项中国传统技艺1)介绍工作工具,特点。 use...to... ...be used to... be required for to do 2)介绍工作步骤。 first,...then,...next,...last.. 3)对工作的评价看法。 I like...,because... I hope that... Unit 3Oxford EnglishModule 2 Grammar Passive Voice 被动语态play table tennis with studentswatch students play their robots give a speechlearn to write with a writting brushhave an English class with studentsplay taijiquan with students答辩人:XXX 专 业:XXXWelcome to our school !show sb. around …Chinese kongfu fan 英语作文:假如你是我校学生会干部,明天下午一批外国朋友将来我校参观访问,请你用英语写一封信给他们的领队Mr.Smith,告知他我校将有以下活动安排。 1) 2:30 pm 会见校长,参观校园。 2) 3:15 pm 举行一个有关中国传统技艺 (剪 纸)的讲座 3) ……(自己设计一项活动) 4) ……(自己设计一项活动) 5) 5:30 pm 赠送毛笔,剪纸作为礼物

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