
2018-2019学年广东省佛山市惠景中学初三(上)1月期末考试英语试卷(含答案 无听力材料+听力音频)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:87次 大小:23688Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2018-2019学年广东省佛山市惠景中学初三(上)1月期末考试英语试卷 一、单项选择 ? 1. ls it possible to dig _____?hole all the way through _____?earth? A.a; a B.a; the C.the; the D.the; a ? 2. More and more Foshan people choose to go to Guangzhou _____?underground. A.in B.with C.for D.by ? 3. The man asked me if he could change seats with _____. A.him B.his C.me D.mine ? 4. Come and have a look at our new library. It _____?last year. A.built B.was built C.builds D.is built ? 5. _____?the river, the best way is to take a boat trip to Greenwich Museum. A.To enjoy B.To enjoying C.Enjoying D.Enjoy ? 6. _____?people took part in the Baihua Film Festival this year. A.Thousand B.Thousand of C.Thousands D.Thousands of ? 7. Take some medicine with you. You _____?get a cold in such a cold place like Changchun. A.have to B.need C.must D.may ? 8. I prefer this heating machine to that one, because it uses _____?electricity. A.more B.most C.less D.least ? 9. Mum, please take me to the doctor’s. I am feeling _____. A.awful B.awfully C.serious D.seriously ? 10. Tom cannot have ice cream _____ he has finished his vegetables. A.after B.until C.when D.since ? 11. I am writing to tell you that I _____ the birthday present you sent me. Thank you. A.am receiving B.was receiving C.will receive D.have received ? 12. I can’t believe _____ the way out of the deep forest without a guide. A.what they could find B.what could they find C.how they could find D.how could they find ? 13. —There is a group of men over there. _____ is Mr Smith? —The one in a blue shirt. A.What B.Which C.Where D.How ? 14. This 2-year-old boy could tell numbers! _____ he is! A.What smart B.What a smart C.How smart D.How a smart ? 15. —Oh, you won first prize again. Congratulations! —_____ A.Thanks a lot. B.Certainly! C.You’re welcome. D.You bet! 二、完形填空 ? 1. On a Friday night, a poor young violinist was playing his violin at the gate of the underground station. He wanted to make money for his music education. He played such great music that people(1)_____ to listen and put some money into his hat. The next day, the violinist came to the entrance again. He put down his hat as usual. Beside the hat was a piece of paper with some(2)_____ on it. It said, "A George Black has put a(n)(3)_____ thing into my hat by mistake. Welcome to claim(认领)it."?Soon it got many people’s(4)_____.?They wondered who it could be. After a while, a man rushed into the crowd and said, "I am George Black you are(5)_____. So glad that you are here today."?The violinist asked, "Did you(6)_____ something?" "A lottery(彩票)ticket."?the man said, "A $500,000 lottery ticket. But yesterday I threw the ticket into your hat(7)_____ together with $50." Then the violinist handed out a lottery ticket with Black’s name on it. Black took it and danced(8)_____. Later a reporter asked the violinist why he didn’t(9)_____ the lottery ticket to pay for his education. He said, "Although I don’t have much money, ... ...

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