
Module 10 Unit 1 Where are you going to go?课件 (共14张PPT)(无音视频)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:93次 大小:7752072Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件14张PPT。Unit1 Where are you going?Free talk>>Warm-upWhat did they do last week? >>Lead-inLook, listen and say.Compare the two pictures, guess why did Ms Smart angry?>>Lead-inLook, listen and say.(单击图片可播放动画)>>Presentation Let’s learn.在什么时候when end >>PresentationListen and read.Listen and underline the new words and difficult parts on your book. >>PresentationLet’s learn.nervous all rightsafe>>PresentationLet’s learn.passport airportticket>>Presentation(单击图片可播放动画)Watch the flash and answer the questions:1. Where is Daming going to go? 2. What is Daming going to take? 3. When is Daming going to the airport? 4. Who’s going to the airport with him?>>PresentationWatch the flash and answer the questions.1. Where is Daming going to go? 2. What is Daming going to take? 3. When is Daming going to the airport? 4. Who’s going to the airport with him?Clothes, shoes, presents, the ticket, his passport …To the airport.At seven o’clock tomorrow morning.His mum. >>PresentationRead and try to act out.1234Listen and say.>>Presentation>>PracticeAsk and answer.Where are you going? When are you going? What are you going to do? Who’s going with you?含有be going to的特殊疑问句:>>Summary

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