
Unit 4 When is Easter? PA Let’s spell 课件 21张PPT

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:72次 大小:4655273Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件21张PPT。Let's spellPart AUnit 4 When is Easter?Learning goals学习th在单词中的发音规则;能够跟着录音说唱歌谣,强化记忆th的发音规则。 能够按照th的发音规则拼写出单词; 能够在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范正确。When is _____(you) birthday? My mother’s birthday is on January _____ (two). 3.May is the _____(five) month of a year. 4.There are _____(twelve) month in a year.yoursecond/2ndfifthtwelveRevisionthreethinthirteenmathsthisthatmotherbrotherLet's spell three例: There are three tips for your study. 对于你的学习,有三条建议。thin例: Tom is thin and tall. 汤姆瘦瘦高高的。thirteen例: My sister is thirteen years old. 我的姐姐13岁了。maths例: We have a maths test next Monday. 我们下周一有一次数学测试。this例: This is my notebook. 这是我的笔记本。that例: That is Chen Jie’s lost book. 那是陈洁丢失的书。mother例: My mother’s birthday day is on January 5st. 我妈妈的生日是1月5日。brother例: His brother enjoyed himself in holiday. 他的哥哥假期过得很开心。Listen, circle and say.Thursday/Monday is his eleventh/third/fourth birthday.That is her brother/grandfather/father. His mother/brother is a maths /Chinese teacher. Choose, write and say.1. Thursday is his eleventh birthday. 2. _____ 3. _____ That is her grandfather.His brother is a Chinese teacher.字母组合th在单词中的发音。th /θ/ /θ/ 是清辅音,发音时声带不振动。舌尖轻抵上齿背或放在上下齿之间,让气流从舌齿间的隙缝中挤出时摩擦成音。Grammarthreethinthirteenmathsthanksth /θ/ th /e/ /e/ 是浊辅音,发音时声带振动。舌尖轻抵上齿背或放在上下齿之间,让气流从舌齿间的隙缝中挤出时摩擦成音。th /e/ thisthatmotherbrotherthem1. 我的生日是4月4日。My birthday is on April 4th.2. 你的生日是哪天,安?When is your birthday, Ann?Exercise一、翻译句子。three that them this there thin maths thirteen brother 二、选出发音不同的一项。

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