

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:80次 大小:23552Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit1 My name is Alan Hall.My first name is Alan,and my last name is Hall.I love white and I love the number six.My QQ number is 631574302.Linda is my friend.She is in No.3 Middle School.She is in China now. Unit2 Nick is my good friend.He is ten.He has a big family.These are his grandparents.His father is Paul.His mother is Jenny.Mike Smith is his uncle.Susan is his aunt.His uncle and his aunt are English teachers Nick loves his family. Unit3 Found Hello,I’m' Alan.I found a red schoolbag at school.Some books and a pencil box are in it.Is the schoolbag yours? Please call me.My telephone number is 384-8877.You can also e-mail me at alan365@ 126.com. Unit4 Dear Dale, Please take these things to my room.They are my CDs,books,tape player,dictionary and schoolbag. The CDs are on the TV. The books arer in the bookcase.The tape player is on the table.Oh,where' s my dictionary? I think it’s on the sofa.And my schoolbag is under the table.Thank you. Yours, Mike Unit5 We have a lot of sports things in our school.We have 25 basketballs in this room.Many boys like playing basketball.They think it' s relaxing.We have 26 volleyballs.The girls like playing volleyball.They think volleyball is interesting.We have 15 soccer balls,20 ping-pong bats and 180 ping-pong balls.Boys and girls all like playing soccer and ping-pong ball.We also have 60 tennis balls.The students play sports in their P.E. class or after school. My room Look!This is my room. My bed is near the window.And a basketball is under the bed.You can see a desk and chair near the bed.A pencil box,some pens,some books and a CD player are on the desk.A map is on the wall. My room is not big,but tidy.What about your room? Unit6 John is my friend.For breakfast,he likes eggs, milk and an apple. But he doesn’t like bread. For lunch, he likes carrots and hamburgers. He doesn’t like salad. He likes fish,tomatoes and rice for dinner. But he doesn’t like chicken. What about you? Unit7 Big Sale at Fashion Clothes Store Hello,everyone!Come and buy clothes at Fashion Clothes Store!Our clothes are on sale!We sell all our things at a very good price.Our T-shirts are only ¥50. We have good bags for only ¥20.Oh, do you like sweaters?We have sweaters in all colors for ¥60,and we have shoes for only ¥38. Come to Fashion Clothes Store now! Unit8 We have many activities in our school this term.On September 3rd,we have a school trip.It' s interesting.On October 5th, we have basketball games.I can' t play basketball,but I like to watch basketball games.The art festival is on November 18th. And we have an English party on December 20th.This is a really busy term. My Favorite Subject Hello,boys and girls! My favorite subject is English, because it’s an interesting language. It’s useful, too. I like it and I want to speak English well. Our English teacher, Mrs. Li, is great fun. All the students in our class like her and her lessons, because her lessons are always easy and interesting. I like talking with her in En ... ...

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