
Unit1 How tall are you A let’s learn 精课+教案+同步练习

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:11次 大小:12657124Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    同步练习 一、写出下列单词的比较级。 young ____ short ____ tall ____ strong ___ long ____ 二、填空 1. Chen Jie is _____ (young) than me. 2. Your ruler is _____ (long) than mine. 3. --How _____ (tall) are you? -- I’m 1.45 metres. 4. I’m 1.42metres. You are 1.65metres. I’m _____ (short) than you. 三、读一读,选一选。 ( ) 1.—How_____are you?—I’m 170 cm. A. tall B. old C. strong ( ) 2. She is_____. But she is taller than you. A. younger B. taller C.shorter ( ) 3. —You’re_____than your brother. A. taller B. tall C. short ( ) 4. Zhang Peng is very_____. He often helps his mother do the housework. A. bigger B. strong C. stronger ( ) 5. The red ruler is_____ than that one. A. taller B. younger C. shorter 参考答案 一、 younger shorter taller stronger longer 二、 1.younger 2.longer 3.tall 4.shorter 三、 1.A 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C 版本科目年级课时教学设计 课题 A let’s learn 单元 Unit1 How tall are you? 学科 English 年级 六 学习 目标 1.能听、说、读、写单词:younger, older, taller, shorter, longer。 2.能听、说、认读句子:How tall are you? I’m 1.61 metres. I'm taller. You're older than me, too.并能在实际情境中正确运用。 重点 学习单词:younger, older, taller, shorter, longer 难点 掌握句子:How tall are you? I'm 1.61 metres. 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 1.播放三下Let’s do. 2.Sharp eyes. 3.Let’s say. He/She/They is/are_____. 边听边唱 说一说 复习旧知,为学生学习新知及语言的输出做铺垫。 讲授新课 谈一谈,比一比. 1.出示Sarah and Miss White图片,提问: Who is older/younger? How old are you? Miss White:I’m 35 years old. Sarah:I’m 12 years old. 呈现older, younger. Sarah is_____than Miss white. Miss White is_____ than Sarah. 2.同样方法学习taller,shorter,longer,shorter. 3.Let’s chant. 4.PPT呈现形容词比较级的概念和意义。 5.PPT呈现形容词比较级的变化规则和发音规律。 观察图片 跟读 操练句子 边听边唱 归纳 总结 学生带着问题,进行了分步的有意义的视听,并在情景中对核心句型进行了认读、练习、和迁移的练习,让学生真正能够理解、学习、操练运用此语言点。 1.Listen and imitate。 2.游戏: What’s missing? 大小声游戏 3.Look and say 4.Do a survey and report. 5.Make a dialogue. 6.Finish the chart and report. 听音正音 做游戏 说一说 对话练习 汇报 训练学生的听,让学生去听地道的英语发音。在听与模仿这个输入过程后,让学生去自己读,查漏补缺,正确输出。 课堂小结 What have you learned today? 板书 Unit1 A Let’s learn How tall are you? I am 1.61 meters. taller shorter shorter longer younger older 课件28张PPT。A Let’s learn Do a survey and report Unit1 How tall are you?>>Warm-upbigsmalloldtallSharp eyesshortbigtallsmallyoungbigshortoldbig4 He/She/They is/are_____.>>Let's sayWord bank tall short strong long young old谈一谈,比一比>>Presentation>> PresentationWho is older/younger? How old are you?Sarah is_____than Miss white.youngerMiss White is_____ than Sarah.olderWho is taller/shorter? How tall are you? Zhang Peng is _____ than John.tallershorterJohn is_____than Zhang Peng.shorterlonger>> PresentationWhose is shorter/longer? Chen Jie’s skirt is _____.longerAmy’s skirt ... ...

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