
Unit 3 More about Me Lesson 15 Where Do You Live 教案+练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:80次 大小:48501Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 3 More about Me Lesson 15 Where Do You Live? 同步练习 ( )1. A. cinema B. restaurant C. Beside ( )2. A. your B. that C. my ( )3. A. house B. road C. street ( )4. A. ninth B. eight C. tenth ( )5. A. I B. when C. What ( )1. I live_____ a house. A. onto B. to C. in ( )2. _____ your address? A. What’s B. Where’s C. How’s ( )3. Is that _____ from the supermarket? A. far B. near C. far to ( )4.李明说他喜欢那家餐厅,你说你也是,应该说:_____ A. Me, too! B. I, too!. C. My, too! ( )5. 你想表达你的地址是什么,应该说:_____ A. Where is your address? B. What is your address? C. How is your address? 1. What do you do on Sundays? A. I play football at the park. 2. Where do you play football? B. I fly a kite on Sundays. 3. Where do you live? C. No, I don’t. 4. What do you like? D. I live in Shanghai. 5. Do you like apples? E. I like bananas. A: _____ do you do on Sundays? B: I go swimming on Sundays. 2. A: _____ do you play football? B: At the park. 3. A: _____ do you live? B: I live in Shanghai. 4. A: _____ do you do on Sundays? B: I play football. ( )1. 让我们一起玩吧! A. I go swimming on Sundays. ( )2. 星期天的时候你做什么? B. Where do you live? ( )3. 我星期天游泳。 C. Let’s play together! ( )4. 你住在哪里啊? D. I live in Beijing. ( )5. 我住在北京。 E. What do you do on Sundays? 参考答案 C B A B A 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A 解析: 居住在... ...用介词in。 关键词address可知,应询问地点,用where。 Far from指离... ... 远。 Me, too 指我也是。 表示地址为address,并且地址应用where询问。 B A D E C 注意:考察疑问词的运用。 What Where Where What 注意:考察what与where的区别,看好问题的答语就不会出错。 C E A B D Unit 3 More about Me Lesson 15 Where Do You Live? 1. Analysis of the Students The students of Grade4 have mastered certain vocabularies, expressions and structures. They also have the abilities of working in groups. Most of them are willing to express their opinions in English as well as act the dialogue out. 2. Analysis of Teaching Content Lesson 15 is the third lesson in Unit 2, Book 8.This unit focus on the subject More about Me, Lesson 15 mainly talks about the address someone live. Students can describe their home according to the map. 【知识目标】 1. To master the words: live, street, house, apartment. 2. To master the sentence: Where do you live? I live _____. 【能力目标】 Improve the students’ ability of speaking, listening, reading and writing. 【情感目标】 Stimulate interest in learning English, and development of the students’ ability of using synthetic language. 【教学重点】 To master the words and phrases. 【教学难点】 To learn the actual fun_ction of the address. Tape recorder, Multimedia Step 1. Warm-up 1.Sing a song: Hello, how are you? Greeting: T:Hello,everyone. How are you? Ss: Fine, thank you. How are you? T: I`m fine, thanks. Nice to see you again. Ss: Glad to see you again. T: How do you feel? T: What’s the date? T: How tall are you? T: How tall is your _____? Step 2. Presentation Free talk: A: ... ...

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