
Unit 1 What’s the matter SectionB1a-1d 公开课(课件+练习+素材)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:99次 大小:18247799Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 1 What’s the matter SectionB1a-1d同步练习 一、单选。 1. You have a fever! You should_____ your temperature. A. to take B. take C. have D. takes 2.一You have a nosebleed._____ __ 一I got hit by a basketball. What can I do for you B. What happened C. Why not D. How about you 3.—Jenny cut her finger(手指)cooking dinner. What should she do —She should _____. see a dentist B. get some sleep C. put some medicine on the cut D. exercise more 4.My little brother was _____,and I must look after the _____ baby.    A. sick; ill B. ill; sick C. ill; ill D. sick; sicking 5.—How did he_____himself —He fell down from his bike. A. hurt B. leach C. cut D. enjoy 二、完成句子。 1. 迈克今天早晨流鼻血,因此他起床晚了。 Mike _____ _____ _____this morning, so he got up late. 2. 凯特好像不太舒服。 It seems that Kate _____ _____ . 3. 医生刚才量过你的体温了吗? Did the doctor _____ _____ _____ a moment ago 4. 你需要敷点药在伤口上。 You need _____ _____some_____ _____it. 5. 他头被棒球撞了。 He_____ _____ _____the head with the baseball. 三、情景对话。 A. It doesn't hurt any more. B. When did it happen C. Was it serious D. How careless! E. I'm sorry to hear that. F. I hurt my finger when I was cutting a watermelon. G. Do you know how to give first aid A: I had an accident yesterday. B: _____ How did it happen A: _____ B: Bad luck! _____ A: No, but my finger hurt! B: How do you feel now A: Much better. _____ B: You must be careful when you use a knife next time. A: I will. My mother and father had warned me, but I didn't listen. B: _____ A: Er, I won't cut watermelons with knives anymore. B: Oh, don't be scared. It's OK if you're careful. 四、阅读。 A long time ago, the monkey and the turtle were good friends. One day, they saw a fallen banana tree and decided to plant it. They divided the tree into two parts. The monkey took the part with leaves, thinking that it would grow faster, then they went home and planted it. Many days passed, the monkeys plant died but the turtle's grew well and produced fruit. When the fruit was ripe(成熟的) the turtle asked the monkey to share it with him. The monkey climbed up the tree and ate all the fruit. So the turtle got angry. He found some sharp sticks and put them around the tree. When the monkey came down, he hurt himself. The turtle laughed and hid himself under a big shell (贝壳). The monkey got very angry and caught the turtle. “I'll cut you into pieces,” said the monkey. “Good, so there will be many turtles.” “No, I'll put you into the fire.” “That's better, my skin will be red.” “No ,I'll throw you into the river.” “No,” said the turtle, “I'll die.” The monkey threw the turtle into the river, and the turtle swam happily. (1)The monkey and the turtle saw_____. an apple tree B. some bananas C. a fallen banana tree D. some leaves (2)The turtle's plant_____. A. grew well B. produced fruit C. died D. Both A and B (3)When the fruit was ripe, _____. A. the monkey shared it wi ... ...

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