
Lesson 20 My favourite clothes 教学设计

日期:2024-06-10 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:11次 大小:10380Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 20 My favourite clothes 教学设计 教材分析 通过对Kim与Jenny的对话引出本课内容,结合“形容词性物主代词+favourite clothes are+衣物(复数)”句型学习本课课文,让孩子们整体把握句型“形容词性物主代词+favourite clothes are+衣物(复数)”的用法。 教学目标 【知识目标】 1、学习本课新单词; 2、理解句型“形容词性物主代词+favourite clothes are+衣物(复数)”; 3、通过学习句型“形容词性物主代词+favourite clothes are+衣物(复数)”如何表达自己喜欢的衣服。 【能力目标】 通过孩子结合自己的生活经验和已学的英语知识,能用句型:“形容词性物主代词+favourite clothes are+衣物(复数)”,有条理地与同学交流。 【情感目标】 通过对本课的学习,让学生懂得使用本课重点句式与同学们进行交流,教会学生用使用句型“形容词性物主代词+favourite clothes are+衣物(复数)”,培养学生对“自己喜欢的衣服”表达的应用能力。 教学重难点 【教学重点】 本课单词 句型“形容词性物主代词+favourite clothes are+衣物(复数)” 【教学难点】 本课单词 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程 Step 1. Greetings and warm-up activities Please describe where they are with“形容词性物主代词+favourite clothes are+衣物(复数)” My favourite clothes are skirts. My favourite clothes are shorts. Step 2.Learn the text Listen and watch Step 3.Watch the cartoon and answer the questions T: What are your favourite clothes? (课文导入) Questions:(1)What does Kim like? (2)What does Jenny like? (3)What are Danny′s favourite clothes? (4)What are Steven′s favourite clothes? Step 4.Read and retell Kim:I like skirts! Jenny:_____ Kim:We like skirts. _____ Danny:I like shorts! Steven:_____ Kim:They like shorts. _____ Step 5.Focus on 形容词性物主代词的种类 Step 6. Can you describe them with“形容词性物主代词+favourite clothes are+衣物(复数)”? Show some pictures of address,and describe them with“形容词性物主代词+favourite clothes are+衣物(复数)” Step 7.Practice Show some pictures of clothes,and describe them with“形容词性物主代词+favourite clothes are+衣物(复数)”. Step 8.Let′s sing 播放视频 Step 9.Let′s do it Look and write. Step 9.Game (1)Pair work,ask and answer with“———What are your favourite clothes?———My favourite clothes are......” (2)What are your favourite clothes? Step 10.Homework 1. Recite the text and words. 2.Practice the sentence“形容词性物主代词+favourite clothes are+衣物(复数)”

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