
Module3 Animals Unit 5 Save the endangered animals writing 说写课课件 (共24张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:78次 大小:2147697Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件24张PPT。8A Unit 5 Writing Endangered Animals说写课Step 1-- warm upPresentation: Endangered Animals Animals are our friends , they make our world more beautiful , and they also help us a lot. Giant panda The pandas are very cute, but do you know they are losing their homes because of the changes of the environment. The golden monkeys are our best friends, they have beautiful golden hair, but just because of this, people are killing them for their fur. White-Dolphin (白鳍豚 )You must have heard about the stories about dolphins save people, but now they also need our help, because their numbers are getting less and less. South-China Tiger (华南虎)There used to be quite a lot of South-China Tigers, but now there are only 20 to 30 left in the wild.Once extinct About 2000 wild birds in our country today,but now there are fewer.The red-crown crane The reason of endangered speciesPeople are cutting down trees and they are polluting the lakes, rivers, ponds, and any other water you see outside. people have been littering . People have been throwing trash on the roads and near wildlife areas. One of the major reasons for endangered species is habitat loss and so on. The animals are in danger, and we should help them ! red-crown crane South-China Tiger Polar Bear Giant Panda Golden Monkey White DolphinStep 2-- Speaking Games The rules of the game1. Each group chooses an envelope about a kind of animal 2. In each envelope , students will talk about a kind of animal with the information about it. 3. Stick the papers on a post and guess the name of the animal and check the answers with teacher 4. Teacher asks two groups to introduce the animal and let others groups to guess.Step3--Group work: sum upEndangered AnimalsHomeAppearanceLifeBehaviourThe futurelive in ...; people can find... in ...…………HomeAppearanceLifeBehaviourThe futurelive in ...; people can find... in ...have...; with...; weigh...; be ...tall (long)be good at...; like to eat...a lot; prefer to...; live on one’s ownlive up to...years/ live...years longlose home because of...;They should be protected by...;keep ...from; should....Animals时态:_____ 人称_____人称____数一般现在时第三复Polar bears live in the North Pole.Step 4-- Writing Endangered Animals Step 3 Writing Part 1 -- 审题 审题: 本篇作文是介绍华南虎, 时态_____ , 人称第_____人称_____数, 内容要点_____个。 一般现在时第三6复Part 2 -- Group work Please talk about the South China Tigers in your group. Let me tell you something about …Show time Part 3 -- WritingAB : 多用精彩句型: It’s +adj. + for/of +sb. + to do sth; find it +adj. + to do sth; 感叹句;从句 2. CD: 主语+谓语+宾语An example: Now let me tell you something about the South China tigers. South China tigers live in the forests and mountains of Southern China. They are about 2.2-2.65 meters long and weigh about 110-175 kilograms. They like to eat meat. They like living on their own. And they are good at running. They can live for up to about 22 years. However, they are ... ...

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