
Unit 6 The world of my dreams 练习(无答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:74次 大小:6112Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 6 The world of my dreams 一.Warm-up(热身活动) 二. Reviewing to understand.(温故知新) Read the children’s dreams on Page 44 and the song on Page 48. (读44页的孩子们的梦想及48页的歌词。) 1、 Read by yourself.(自己读。) 2、?? Read after a good pupil.(跟一个好学生读。) 3、?? Read together.(一起读。) ? Read the words and translate and write their singular nouns. (读一读,翻译单词并写出单词的单数形式。) 1、houses--???? ??? 2、gardens--???? ??? 3、parks--???? 4、dreams-- ?? 5、towns--??? 6、games--? 7、woods--???? ? ?? 8、kids--???? ?????? 9、wars--?????? 10、grown-ups--???? 11、countries--??? ? 12、parents--???? 13、teachers--?? 三.Self check(自学检测) 1.Listen ,read the sentences and filling the missing words. (听音、读句子并填入所缺单词。) 1) ?In the world of my dreams people live in _____.?? 2)People are _____and they often_____ _____and ____and_____together.? 3)In the world of my dreams all people like _____ _____ . School is _____and teachers? and pupils help _____ _____. 4)? People from many countries_____? _____? ____? _____. 5) In the world of my dreams there are _____? _____. There are _____? _____? _____. And there are _____? _____in the _____. 2.? Read and choose the correct words.Then read loudly. (读一读,选词填空。然后大声朗读) A.? every now and then? B. in the middle of the day? C. a wonderful world D. parks and woods ? E.? friendly grown-ups? F.? have enough to eat? G.? have a lot of time? H.? just close your eyes? I.go and meet? J. happy kids 1)And parents _____ to listen to me and you. 2) There are _____,too. 3) But _____I start to dream _____. 4) But why don’t you _____? 5)Then I see_____People have _____. 6) Everywhere are_____where we all can_____. 四.Consolidation.(巩固练习) Make sentences with words。(连词成句。) 1、is? school? I? it? my? that? love? true 2、are? my? OK? teachers_____ 3、of? a? the? day? have? the? we? middle? dream? in _____ 4、eyes but? you? your? don’t? close?? why? just _____ 5、different? peace? in? countries? dream? in? from? together? people? live? my_____ 6、dream? everywhere? I? are? flowers? there? and? parks _____ 五.Expanding Training.(拓展训练) Answer the questions.(回答问题) 1)??????????? What are the three children talking about on Page 44? ? 2)??????????? What is it like in the world of their dreams according to Page 44? In the world of Tom’s dreams… ? In the world of Lily’s dreams… In the world of Liza’s dreams… ? 3) What is the song about on Page 48? 4)What is the dream? ? ? 5)What is the kids’ suggestions(建议)??? ? ? 6)What is the world of your dreams? Please write down !?? The world of my dreams _____

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