
Module:Me, my family and friends Unit 1 I can sing 第三课时表格教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:37次 大小:14324Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Total No. 3 Week 1 Date Designer Topic Unit 1 I can sing (reading skills and personal letters) Period 3 Objectives Review the sentences structure we have learnt Enable ss to know about letters Learn the first two paragraphs of the letter, and try to retell. Activities Learn about the letters and letter structure. Read and imitate the first 2 paragraphs. Retell the paragraphs and try to describe our own parents. Aids Cards, books, computer Procedure Content Methods Purpose Warming up Sing a song Sing the song To warm up Teaching Pre-task 1 Learn about “can” and “cannot” with pictures. 2 talk about the letter. Holly writes a letter to her friend Myyuki. Do you know what a letter is? Then show an envelope and talk about the structures. Ss look at the pictures of the characters and speak out a sentence with “can” or “cannot” Prepare for the learning of the content. Prepare for the learning of the content. While-task 15 January Dear Miyuki, How are you? Let me tell you about my family and me. This is my mother. She can drive. She cannot sing. This is my father. He can cook. He cannot dance. Bye for now. Yours, Holly Ss watch the main body with PPT T: A personal letter needs date, start with a friend’s name, greeting, main body, and end. Listen and imitate the date, start, greeting and end for 3 times. Then learn the first paragraph of the main body. Ask ss to talk about the pictures with She can…. Listen and imitate the paragraph for 3-4 times. Reading competition between boys and girls. Then T shows the picture about father, and asks the kids to say some sentences. T: Who is this? S: Father. T: What can he do? S: he can… Listen and imitate for three times. To know about the basic structure of a letter. To imitate and try to recite. Post-task Try to retell the text with the pictures. Writing on the board Home work recite the eight words read the text for 3 times Recite the first 2 paragraphs and the beginning of the letter. Teaching reflection 前面关于信件的讲述没有达到效果,孩子们对于英语信件比较陌生。 信的开头几句话比较复杂,孩子们在模仿跟读中的有点困难,可能需要他们多听多读多练习。

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