
Unit1 How tall are you B let's talk 精课 教案 同步练习

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:10次 大小:21783178Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    同步练习 一、选择。 ( ) 1. My feet are bigger than_____. A. you B. your C. yours ( )2 . How _____are you? A. tall B. long C. heavy ( ) 3. My shoes are _____39. A. years B. size C. long ( ) 4. _____ are your shoes? A. How many B. What size C. What about ( ) 5. You _____ taller than me. A. looks B. look C. look at 二、连词成句。 1. size what shoes your are (?) 2.wear 7 size I shoes. (.) 3.mine bigger feet your are than (.) 4. heavy How you are(?) 三、情景会话:根据情景选择句子。 ( )1.我穿36码的鞋子可以说: A.I wear size 36. B. I am 36 meters. ( )2.你的脚比我的大,可以说: A.Your feet are longer than mine. B.Your feet are bigger than mine.? ( )3.我体重48千克,可以说:? A.I’m 48 years old. B. I’m 48 kilograms. ? ( )4.询问别人的身高可以说: A. How old are you? B. How tall are you? ( )5.我想问别人的体重可以说: A. How old are you? B. How heavy are you? 参考答案 一、 1.C 2. C 3.B 4. B 5.B 二、 1. What size are your shoes? 2. I wear size 7 shoes. 3. Your feet are bigger than mine. 4. How heavy are you? 三、 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. B 版本科目年级课时教学设计 课题 B let’s talk 单元 Unit1 How tall are you? 学科 English 年级 六 学习 目标 1.能够听懂、会说Let’s talk部分的对话并完成文后的练习。 2.能够听懂、会朗读句子:I ’m48 kilograms .What size are your shoes, Mike? My shoes are size 37. 重点 能够听懂、会说Let’s talk部分的对话. 难点 句子What size are your shoes?及回答。 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 1.Let’s chant:My small cat. 2.PK读 thinner,bigger... 3.Look and say Jim is heavier than Mike... Mike is thinner than Jim... 边听边唱 读一读 说一说 复习旧知,为学生学习新知及语言的输出做铺垫。 讲授新课 Let's try 1.学生翻开课本,读一读Let-s try中呈现的问题和选项。 2.教师播放Let's try的录音,学生听完录音后圈出正确的选项。 3.全班校对答案。 Let’s talk. 1.What size are Mike’s shoes? What size are Wu Yifan’s shoes? Let’s ask them: What size are your shoes, Mike? 板书领读。Let’s listen and find the answers. Q1:What size are your shoes, Mike? Q2: What size are Wu Yifan’s shoes? Whose shoes are bigger? 2. Check the answers. 呈现Your feet are bigger than mine.(feet是foot复述形式,mine= my feet. 渗透中美鞋码的对比。 3.趣味操练。 Ask and guess: What size are ...’s shoes? Amy’s John’s Chen Jie’s 4. Watch again and answer: How heavy is Mike? How heavy is Wu Yifan? Who is heavier, Mike or Wu Yifan? 5. Fill in the form.整体回顾。 听音 回答问题 看视频 找答案 核对答案 对话练习 再看视频 回答问题 填表 学生带着问题,进行了分步的有意义的视听,并在情景中对核心句型进行了认读、练习、和迁移的练习,让学生真正能够理解、学习、操练运用此语言点。 1. Listen and imitate. 2.Fill in the blanks. 3.Do a survey and make a report. A: Hi, ... How old are you? B: I’m ...years old. A: How tall are you? B: I’m ...meters tall. A: How heavy are you? B: I’m ...kilograms. ...is older /younger than... ...is taller /shorter than... ...is thinner/stronger than... 4.对话活动:Who is heavier? 听音正音 填空 完成表格 汇报 创编对话 训练学生的听,让学生去听地道的英语发音。在听与 ... ...

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