
新疆巴州三中2018-2019学年八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷(含答案 无听力题)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:14次 大小:14193Byte 来源:二一课件通
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巴州三中2018-2019学年第一学期八年级英语期末考试问卷 考试时间:90分钟 组卷网,总分 :100分 一、单项填空(每小题1分,共35分) ( )1.--How was the weather like there? --_____. A. It was sunny and warm. B. I love it. C. It was delicious. D. Very friendly. ( )2.--____do you go swimming? --Every day. A. How often B. When C. How many D. How long ( )3. Can you help me _____the floor? A. cleaning B. with clean C. of cleaning D. to clean ( )4. Although they feel tired, _____they still go on working . A. and B. but C. / D. so ( )5. His job is___ exciting _____ his sister’s. A. more; as B. so; as C. as; as D. much; as ( )6. My CD is _____than hers. A. more expensive B. the most expensive C. more cheap D. the most cheap ( )7. Which subject do you like _____, English or Chinese? A. best B. most C. better D.the better ( )8. Who has _____ apples, Lily, Jim or Lucy? A. many B. the more C. more D. the most ( )9. Town Cinema has _____ seats in our town. A. comfortable B. comfortably C. the most comfortable D. the most comfortably ( )10. I practice _____ English every day. A. to speak B. speaking C. speak D. spoke ( )11. There _____a class meeting this afternoon. A. will have B. are going to have C. is going to have D. is going to be ( )12. I think there will be _____ trees and _____ water in 50 years. A. less; fewer B. fewer; less C. less; less D. fewer; fewer ( )13. What will the weather be _____ tomorrow? A. of B. on C. in D. like ( )14. _____ tourists visit Mount Tai every day. A. Hundreds of B. Hundred of C. Hundreds D. Several hundreds ( )15. Don`t always make the kid _____ day and night. A. to study B. studies C. study D. studying ( )16. _____ spoons of honey and _____ yogurt does she need? A. How many; how many B. How many; how much C. How much; how much D. How much; how many ( )17. –- Did you go out with _____? – No, no one was here. _____ was on vacation. A. someone; Anyone B. anyone; Someone C. someone; Everyone D. anyone; Everyone ( )18. --_____ do you play soccer? –- Once or twice a week. A. How old B. How far C. How many D. How often ( )19.—- I saw you come to school by bus this morning. -- Oh, I _____ come to school by bus, but it rained this morning. A. hardly B. always C. sometimes D. usually ( )20. The answer _____ our questions about watching TV were interesting. A. for B. at C. to D. with ( )21. _____ many students like to watch sports, _____ game shows are the most popular. A. Although; but B. Although; / C. But; although D. But; / ( )22. Judy is as _____ as Paul. But she is _____ than Paul. A. smart; more outgoing B. smarter; outgoing C. smarter; more outgoing D. smart; outgoing ( )23. Remember this, John. _____ careful you are, _____ mistakes you will make. -- Thanks, Miss Li. A. The more; the less B. The more; the fewer C. The less; the fewer D. The less; the less ( )24. –- Look at that model ship. –- I know, but it looks like a real one. ... ...

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