
Unit 3 My school calendar Part A Let’s spell 课件(14张PPT)+音视频

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:36次 大小:18154760Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件14张PPT。 My school calendar Part A Let's spell Unit 3Ask and answerFestivals New Year's Day Tree Planting Day Children's Day Mother's Day Father's DayWhen is ...?It's in...School events the winter vacation the sports meet the singing contest the school tripTeacher,teacher.Lead inLook and readWhat's for lunch today?Chicken or fish.Chicken or fish.I love chicken. Hooray!a short sheepa shirt and shortsChinese childrenPresentationLet's spellStep 1: Read,listen and chant.Step 2: Watch and find或点击此处播放视频点击图片,播放视频你发现规律了吗?Chinachickenlunchteachersheepshortsfishshirt舌头抵上齿龈后部,憋住气,然后突然弹开舌头,让气流从口腔喷出,但声带不振动。双唇收圆并向外稍微突出,舌头稍微上卷,舌头接近上齿龈,送气,声带不振动。Listen,number and say.51423Choose ,write and say.1.The teacher is nice.3._____2._____4._____The chicken is cheap.The fish is fresh.The shirt is short. Exercise 1.Chinese cheap ( ) 2.short English ( ) 3.children fresh ( ) 4.shirt teacher ( )判断下列每组单词画线部分读音是否相同Summary语音(字母组合ch/sh): ch: China, chicken, lunch, teacher sh: sheep, fish, shirt, shorts

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