
Unit 6 Work quietly Part B Let’s learn 课件(20张PPT)+音视频

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:41次 大小:6307630Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件20张PPT。 Work quietly! Part B (Let's learn & Look,match and say) Unit 6Warm upLet's chantPresentationLet's learnLead in反义词:talk loudlytalk quietly同类短语:sit quietly wait quietly Please talk quietly.Zoom's desk is in a mess.(乱七八糟)Zoom_____,please.keep your desk cleankeep your desk clean联想:keep your room cleanPlease keep your desk clean.Oh,my god!I can't find my English book.Keep to the right.keep to the rightIn this city,all vehicles(车辆) should keep to the right.Can we use your crayons?OK.Take turns.Talk quietly,please.take turnsturn一词多义:转弯;翻过来相关短语:by turns 轮流;交替 We should take turns to clean the blackboard.Watch and repeat.或点击此处播放视频点 击 图 片 , 播 放 视 频Look,match and say( )1.He is talking in the library. ( )2.We are playing a game. ( )3.She is colouring at her desk. ( )4.They are writing in class. ( )5.They are walking on a bridge.A.Keep to the right. B.Talk quietly. C.Take turns. D.Keep your desk clean. E.Work quietly.ABCDEfirst step: Look and choose.second step: read and say.He is talking in the library.Talk quietly.We are playing a game.Take turns.She is colouring at her desk.Keep your desk clean.They are writing in class.Work quietly. Exercise 生活小贴士。 ( )1.John and Mike are talking in the library. ( )2.Some kids are colouring at their desks. ( )3.Some children are walking on the road. ( )4.They're doing their homework. ( )5.Some people are getting on a bus.A.Keep your desks clean. B.Talk quietly. C.Work quietly. D.Take turns. E.Keep to the right. A B E C DSummary(听、说、认读、写)词汇: keep to the right, keep your desk clean talk quietly take turns

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