
高中英语人教版必修五Unit 2 The United Kingdom-Grammar过去分词作宾补课件(17张)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:96次 大小:275864Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件17张PPT。高二必修5Unit 2 The United Kingdom Grammar 新课导入Can you find the following sentences in the reading passage?Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well.find﹢n.+ past participleV- edobject complementhave get1. Learn the past participle used as the object complement.? 2. Know the differences between the present participle and the past participle when they are used as the attributive, predicate, object complement and adverbial.学习目标课前自主学习预习本单元语法,了解过去分词做宾语补足语的用法。自主学习反馈Complete the sentences by using the words in brackets and the structure have / get / find something done.1. We _____ now. 2. You look different today. _____ _____ 3. Do you want to _____ _____ to your house or would you prefer to come to the shop for it?have got the house mended Have youhad your hair cut?have the dictionarydeliveredGrammar 过去分词用法 (作宾语补足语) 新课讲解新课讲解观察阅读下列句子,体会蓝体部分的用法1.Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well. 2.You find most of the population settled in the south,but most of the industrial cities in the Midlands and the North of England. 3.It passes through Greenwich,so Pingyu had a photo taken standing on either side of the line. 4.We shan't be asked to be there before eight. 新课讲解 作宾语补足语的过去分词一般来自及物动词, 表示被动和完成意义, 说明宾语所处的状态, 一般跟它前面的宾语在逻辑上构成主谓关系, 表被动, 其结构形式为:主语+谓语动词+宾语+过去分词。一般可带过去分词形成宾语补足语的动词可以分为以下五类。新课讲解1. 在feel, find, hear, notice, see, watch,think, observe等表示感觉和心理状态的动词之后,表示感受到某人或某事被做。I was sleeping when I heard my name called. He was disappointed to find his suggestions turned down.新课讲解2. 在get, have, make, keep,leave使役动词之后, 经常用过去分词作宾语补足语, 表示“使/ 让 …” 。We should keep them informed of what is going on here.Jane got her bad tooth pulled out at the dentist’s.新课讲解3. 表示“意欲,命令”的动词如like, order, want, wish,可用过去分词作宾语补足语。I wish these letters (to be) typed as soon as possible.He didn’t want such question discussed at the meeting.新课讲解“with +宾语+过去分词”结构中,过去分词用作介词 with 的宾语补足语。这一结构通常在句中作时间、方式、条件、原因等状语。 The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back. ?With water heated, we can see the steam. ?With the matter settled, we all went home.4. “with +宾语+过去分词”结构新课讲解5. “have + 宾语+过去分词”的几种含义 在“ have +宾语+过去分词”结构中,过去分词作宾语补足语,have 也可用 get 。这一结构有以下几种含义: 1. 意为“主语请别人做某事”。 He wants to have his eyes examined tomorrow. 2. 意为“主语遭遇、遭受某一不愉快、不测的 事情”。 Be careful, or you'll have your hands hurt. 3. 意为“使完成某事”,事情既可以是别人做 完,也可 以由主语参与完成。 He had the walls painted this morning.新课讲解过去分词作宾语补足语时,宾语是动作的承受者;现在分词作宾语补足语时宾语是动作 ... ...

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