
人教版高中英语选修八 Unit4 Pygmalion using language-Reading课件(共31张)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:37次 大小:1261593Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件31张PPT。新课标高二版.选修八Unit 4PygmalionUsing language-Reading Enable the students to describe the life of early people. 1. This text is mainly about Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering _____ about teaching Eliza. A. making a conversation B. quarreling C. making a bet D. fightingAct TwoRead the Act Two of the play and then choose the right answer. 2. Eliza came to visit Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering in order to let them _____ A. give her some money B. give her a job as a flower shop’s assistant C. teach her speak well D. have a bath 3. Aliza only offered them _____ if they could teach her. A. 1 shilling B. 2 shillings C. nothing D. 3 shillings 4. Henry Higgins and colonel Pickering finally decided to _____ Eliza. A. throw back B. teach C. only teach her how to speak D. beat 5. Eliza refused to have a bath, from what she said, we can infer that she lived a _____ life. A. miserable B. happy C. good D. dirty推理判断1 Do you think Eliza is very ambitious? Yes, because she still likes to learn even if Higgins treats her rudely. 2 Why did Pickering fancy himself? Because he can pronounce twenty-four distinct vowel sounds.Read the passage and then answer the following questions:3 What habits did Eliza have? She has never had a bath in my life; not over her whole body. 4 What do you think Higgins would have to do to change Eliza into a lady? In order to have Eliza make a big change, Higgins has to teach her from the alphabet. 5 How do you think Colonel Pickering? He is very kind and well-educated.1. I wanna be a lady in a flower shop’s stead o’selling flowers in the street. I want to be a lady in a flower shop instead of selling flowers in the street. 2. Now yer talking…You wouldn’t have the face to ask me for the same for teaching me as yer would for French. Now you’re talking…You wouldn’t dare to ask the same (amount) for teaching me (my own language) as you would for (teaching me ) French.Rewrite these sentences using correct English.3. I can’t. I dursn’t. It ain’t natural and it’d kill me. I cannot. I daren’t it isn’t natural and it would kill me.Important sentences1. Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation. 亨利·希金斯和皮克林上校下坐着专心地 谈话。 deep in意为“专心于”, “全神贯注于”, “深陷于”等, 后接名词。汉译英 (1)埋头工作 (2)沉思着 deep in workdeep in thought(3)债台高筑 (4)专心读书 deep in debtdeep in one’s book (s) 2. I rather fancied myself because I can pronounce twenty-four distinct vowel sounds; but your hundred and thirty beat me. 我很欣赏自己,因为我能发24个明显的元音,但你能发130个音却击败了我。 fancy 1) vt. 想像,设想 We cannot fancy a life without electricity. 我们不能设想生活中没有电。 She fancied she saw someone, but there was no one there. 他觉的好像听见有人在跟踪。 2) vt. 爱好,喜欢 What do you fancy for supper? 晚饭你喜欢吃什么?  3) vt. 感叹语气,表示惊奇 Fancy seeing you! I am surprised! 想不到会见到你!真是出乎意料!4) n. 想像,设想,爱好 That’s only your fancy. ... ...

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