
Module 4 Life in the future模块测试卷(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:54次 大小:1264128Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Module 4 Life in the future 达标检测试卷 (60分钟 100分) 一 .单项选择(15分) 1.— How do you study Chinese so well? — reading plenty of books. A. To B. Of C. At D. By 2. What’s the of this word? A. mean B. means C. meaning D. meanings 3. _____Jenny is kind, _____we all like her. A. Because; so B. So; because C. /; because D. /; so 4.I want to call Mary, I don’t know her phone number. A. and B. but C. or D. then 5.You need early tomorrow. A. comes B. to come C. coming D. came 6.Teachers _____ use chalk on a blackboard _____. A. will; any more B. won't; any more C. will; no more D. won't; no more 7. _____my father _____ my mother is able to drive a car. So they are going to buy one. A. Neither; nor B. Both; and C. Either; or D. Not only; but also 8. We a test next week. A. have B. has C. will have D. will has 9. —What is your brother like? — . A. He is Chinese B. He is friendly C. He likes milk D. He is like my mother 10. —Tom, Is this the report you need to hand in today? —Oh, yes, Mum. I thought I had put _____ in my schoolbag. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything 二. 完形填空。(10分) Today is Sunday. Mike and Peter 1 go to school. Listen! They are talking about the life 2 in the room. “ 3 will the world be like? ”Peter asks. “I think that the world will be a 4 place to live in. And we will 5 machines and robots at home. They will help us do lots of 6 , ”says Mike. “The robots will help 7 cook dinner, clean the houses and 8 old people. I think there will be a kind of medicine(药) 9 it can make us live more than 100 years, ”Peter says. “What will you do then? ”says Mike. “Then I will 10 my great-grandchildren(曾孙)to the moon, ”says Peter. “The moon? I will go to the Mars(火星)with my wife, ”says Mike. 1. A. aren’t B. don’t C. doesn’t D. isn’t 2. A. in the future B. at the moment C. in the past D. last week 3. A. When B. Why C. What D. How 4. A. bad B. difficult C. better D. well 5. A. be B. have C. has D. are 6. A. work B. works C. job D. thing 7. A. them B. us C. we D. they 8. A. care for B. look for C. look like D. looks for 9. A. and B. but C. because D. so 10. A. use B. bring C. take D. get 三.阅读理解。(10分) What do you think the future will be like? Here are some answers from some students. Mary: If we don’t take good care of the earth now, our children and grandchildren will be born into a world with much pollution(污染). There will be fewer trees and more buildings, because there will be more people. Jack: I agree with Mary. Things will be worse(更糟). The weather in the future will be much hotter. Humans(人类)won’t be able to live on the earth. They will have to look for another planet to live on. Linda: I think the life in the future will be better. Most people in the world will use “green cars” by 2020, so there will be less pollution and people will live to be 200 years old. As for(至于)space travel, I would say, we will visit Mars(火星)in about fifty years. 1. ... ...

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