
Unit 5 Can you come to my party ?单元测试(含答案解析无听力题)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:50次 大小:19090Byte 来源:二一课件通
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单元测试题 一,单项选择15 ( ) 1. I’m going to Beijing by plane ___Sunday evening. A in B at C on D of ( ) 2. Today I did __work, and I felt very __. A too much, tired B much too, tired C many too, angry ( ) 3. He _____to go to school . Today is Sunday. A does have B doesn’t have C don’t has D don’t have ( ) 4 _____ he _____ finish it today? A has, to B Does, have to C Has , have to D Is ,have to ( ) 5.--Would you like to help me? -- Sure, _____. A I would B I’d like C I do D I’d love to ( ) 6. I have two brothers. One is a doctor, ____ is a teacher. A another B others C other D the other ( ) 7. I don’t like this black jacket. Can you show me ____ one? A another B others C other D the other ( ) 8 .A classmate of mine invited me _____ his party on Sunday. A for B to come C come to D to come to ( ) 9.I have to_____for the math test. A.study B.studying C.learning D.studied ( )10.My best friend often invites me _____ delicious food. A.enjoy B.enjoying C.enjoyed D.to enjoy ( ) 11.I am going to _____ you on Sunday and go bike riding. A.catch B.accept C.refuse D.delete ( ) 12.Do you know _____ I miss you? A.how many B.how much C.how long D.how far ( )13.—_____I watch TV,Mum? —Sure,but you_____finish your homework first. A.Must;needn't B.Can;may C.Can;must D.May;mustn't ( )14.The students are very ____ at the ___ news. A.surprised;surprising B.surprising;surprised C.surprised;surprised D.surprising;surprising ( )15.—My mother is ill.I have to look after her at home. —_____. A.Thank you B.Oh,I don't know C.Bad luck D.I'm sorry to hear that Ⅱ.完形填空(每小题2分,共20分) Some people in Britain or America like to invite friends to dinner at home.But this is more common in America __16__ in Britain.Don't worry __17__ your English friends don't invite you home.It doesn't mean that they __18__ you. When you __19__ to an evening meal,ask your friends what time you should __20__.It is a good idea __21__ a small present when you arrive,and it is __22__ to say how much you like the house __23__ the room,or the pictures in the room.But don't ask how much these things __24__. In this way,__25__ you and your friends will have a pleasant get-together. ( )16.A.that B.Then C.than D.more than ( )17.A.what B.Where C.who D.If ( )18.A.don't like B.Unlike C.like D.doesn't like ( )19.A.asked B.are asked C.are asking D.were asked ( ) 20.A.arrive at B.get to C.arrive D.arrive in ( ) 21.A.takes B.to take C.taking D.to lend ( )22.A.polite B.Worried C.sad D.Afraid ( )23.A.or B.And C.but D.so ( )24.A.spend B.Cost C.takes D.Pay ( )25.A.both B.neither C.all D.none Ⅲ.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分) A In Canada and the United States,people enjoy entertaining(请客)at home.They often invite friends over for a meal,a party,or just for a coffee and conversation. Here are the kinds of things people say when they invite someone to their home: “Would you like to come over for dinner Sat ... ...

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