

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:56次 大小:86528Byte 来源:二一课件通
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第 6 页 共 6 页 2019中考英语数词单选题专项练习及答案 ( ) 1. There are about _____ students in our school. A. two thousand of B. two thousands C. two thousands of D. two thousand ( ) 2. There are _____ students in our grade. A. three hundreds and forty-five B. three hundred and forty five C. three hundred forty-five D. three hundred and forty-five ( ) 3. Sunday is _____ day of the week. A. the first B. one C. he seventh D. the seven ( ) 4. Please come to my office _____. A. at half past eight B. at half passed either C. in half past eight D. on half past eight ( ) 5. If you want to go to the cinema, take _____. A. bus No. the ninth B. the No. 9 bus C. No. 9 the bus D. No. the ninth bus ( ) 6. The Greens came to China _____. A. in 1984 October 27 B. in October 27, 1984 C. on 27, 1984 October D. on October 27, 1984 ( ) 7. The story took place in _____. A. nineteen centuries B. nineteen century C. the nineteenth century D. nineteenth century ( ) 8. I was told they would stay in China for _____. A. one and a half years B. one and a half year C. one and half years D. one half and one year ( ) 9. Tomorrow we are going to learn _____. A. Lesson Second B. the Lesson Two C. Lesson Two D. second lesson ( ) 10. I think that the first day of spring is _____. A. twenty-two of March B. twenty-second on March C. twenty-two in March D. the twenty-second of March ( ) 11. _____ letter of the word “restaurant” is “n”. A. The nineth B. Nineth C. The ninth D. Ninth ( ) 12. We talked for _____. A. half a hour B. half hour C. an hour half D. half an hour ( ) 13. The bus will leave at _____ this afternoon. A. three fifteen B. three and fifteen C. three quarters D. fifty to three ( ) 14. The earth is _____ the size of the moon. A. 49 the times B. 49 times C. 49 time D. fourty-nine times ( ) 15. It’s a _____ ruler. A. two-feet-long B. two feet long C. two-foot-long D. two-foot-long ( ) 16. _____ students are planting trees. A. Several hundreds B. Several hundred C. Five hundreds D. Five hundred of ( ) 17. _____ to finish quickly. A. No every student wants B. No every student want C. Not every student wants D. Not every student want ( ) 18. _____ ago, our country was covered by thick forests. A. Several million of year B. Several million year C. Several million years D. Several million of years ( ) 19. The weight of the moon is only about _____ of that of the earth. A. one eighty B. one of eighty C. one the eightieth D. one eightieth ( ) 20. It’s 11:45. Yes, it’s _____. A. fifteen past twelve B. fifteen from twelve C. a quarter past eightieth D. a quarter to twelve ( ) 21. What date is it? It’s _____. A. July twentieth-first B. of July twenty-first C. the twenty-first of July D. a quarter to twelve ( ) 22. -- _____, please? -- It was April 25th. A. How old are you B. What was the date yesterday C. What time was it D. What day is it today ( ) 23. I have _____ things to do. I can’t play _____. A. many, no more B. a lot of, any more C. much, more D. much, any more ( ) ... ...

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