

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:98次 大小:573279Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课时10 八年级(上) Units 9~ 10 陕西8年中考 Ⅰ.完成句子:根据所给汉语意思,用短语完成下列英文句子 1.(2018·陕西改编)或许它是帮助他解决难题的一个好方法。 Maybe it is a good way to . 2.(2017·陕西改编)在这个特殊的日子,其他人可能会和朋友闲逛或去看电影。 Others may or go to the movies with friends on this special day. 3.(2016·陕西)我想邀请他参加我们的俱乐部。 I want to join our club. 4.(2014·陕西改编)别担心。我们足够大去照顾自己。 Don’t worry. We’re old enough to ourselves. 5.(2014·陕西改编)现在,中国的篮球迷们都期待着获得篮球训练,而NBA姚明学校是一个不错的选择。 Now, basketball fans in China are getting basketball training, and the NBA Yao School is a great choice. 6.(2013·陕西改编)它们是为办公处使用或旅游使用做准备的。 They are desk use or travel use. 7.(2011·陕西改编)攀岩运动直到20世纪晚期才成为一项运动。 Rock climbing did become a sport late in the 1900s. Ⅱ.用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 sad, catch, accept 1.(2018·陕西改编)In 2014, she was by Tianjin University and finally her dream came true. 2.(2017·陕西改编)People are warned not to eat while driving. Any driver who is eating while at the wheel will be stopped by the police. 3.(2016·陕西改编)When Li and his wife returned from Shenzhen, they were because the land around the village was covered with sand. 参考答案 Ⅰ.1.help him out 2.hang out 3.to invite/ask him 4.look after 5.looking forward to 6.prepared for 7.notuntil Ⅱ.1.accepted 2.caught 3.sad 课时10 八年级(上) Units 9~ 10 基础知识梳理 词汇拓展 1.examination (n.)→ (abbr.) 考试 2.weekday (n.)→ (n.) 周末 3.opening (n.)→ (v.)开;打开 4.meeting (n.)→ (v.)会面;相逢 5.advice (n.)→ (v.)劝告;建议 6.experience (n.)→ (pl.) 经历 → (adj.) 有经验的;有阅历的;有见识的;熟练的 7.without (prep.)→ (反义词)和;同;有 8.surprised (adj.)→ (adj.)令人吃惊的 9.normal (adj.)→ (adv.)通常;正常情况下 10.understanding (adj.)→ (v.)懂;理解 11.careless (adj.)→ (adj.)小心的;细致的 → (adv.)细致地;小心地;谨慎地 12.sad (adj.)→ (adv.)悲哀地;忧愁地 → (n.)悲伤;悲痛 13.angry (adj.)→ (adv.)发怒地;生气地 14.certainly (adv.)→ (adj.)确定;肯定 15.prepare (v.)→ (n.) 准备;准备工作 16.hang (v.)→ (过去式/过去分词)悬挂;垂下 17.catch (v.)→ (过去式/过去分词)及时赶上;接住;抓住 18.invite (v.)→ (n.)邀请;请柬 19.accept (v.)→ (反义词) 拒绝 20.reply (v.)→ (第三人称单数) → (过去式/过去分词) 21.print (v.)→ (n.) 印刷工人;打印机 22.organize (v.)→ (n.) 组织;团体 23.travel (v.)→ (n.)旅客;旅游者 24.solve (v.)→ (n.) 解答;解决方法 重点短语 1.为……做准备 2.闲逛;常去某处 3.前天 4.后天 5.生……的气 6.look after 7.turn down 8.take a trip 9.help out 10.hear from 11.环游世界 12.犯错误 13.在周六下午 14.来参加聚会 15.见我的朋友 16.in half 17.keep…to oneself 18.another time 19.have a great time 20.too much homework 21.去年秋天 22.接受一份邀请 23.购物 24.邀请某人做某事 25.为某人举办一个惊喜聚会 26.go bike riding 27.not…until… 28.help sb.(to) do sth. 29.see sb. doing sth. 30.see sb. do sth. 31.去看医生 32.坐公交车 33.赚钱 34.担心 35.在……尽头 36.careless ... ...

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