
Unit 2 My family PA Let's spell 课件 (14张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:87次 大小:2748416Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit2 My Family Let's spell Can you read them?(你能读这些单词吗?) mat crab hand sad dad nap lap pad cat rab bag crab Ten red legs ten red crab How many legs? What colour?(什么颜色?) Ten red pens. pen /p/- /e/ -/n/ /e/ what can you find? 你发现什么规律了吗? red ten pen leg e e e e Challenge Tongue twister(绕口令) 1.Ten red pens. 2.Ten red pens in bed. 3.Ten red pens in pet bed. Listen, repeat and chant. Ten red pens. Ten red pens. Eight pens. Nine pens. Ten red pens. [e] bed leg keg hen ben men ten Try to read red best test rest desk met wet bet set Little knowledge(小知识) 知道吗?字母e除了今天学的发音外,还有很多别的发音哦,让我们来瞧瞧吧! he she we me hen set web met 你能区别e的不同发音吗?来读读这些单词吧! he she we me The men in the pen. The hen. The men. The pen. The hen in the pen. Read, choose and write. (读一读,选一选,写一写。) 1. How old are you? I’m   years old. 2. Look at me. This is my   . 3. What’s that? It’s a  . 4. My bag is   . leg pen teacher red boy ten

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