

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:54次 大小:82432Byte 来源:二一课件通
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五年级下英语复习要点 Starter Unit: Join in again! I..Words(单词): alphabet enjoy everyone fun head hey near notebook ping-pang school shake hands until famer doctor nurse driver policeman teacher cook worker places: library park post office museum police station bus stop hospital supermarket weather: sunny raining cold hot warm cloudy windy television: nature programme cartoon news programme film feelings: tired happy scared sad directions: next to straight ahead right left II.Sentences(句子): 1. Enjoy your time in class again. 2. He is going to clean his room at nine in the morning. 3. Tim sometimes dreams of ghosts. 4. What’s the time? /What time is it? It’s quarter past three./It’s twenty to eleven. 5. Do you like English? Yes, I do. 6. When do you come to school? At half past seven. 7. Is your mother a teacher? No, she isn’t. 8. How does she go to work? She goes to work by bike. 9. Whose new car is it? It’s my uncle’s. 10. Has your father got a sister? No, he hasn’t. 11. Can Mr Yue swim? No, he can’t. 12. Where are you going? I’m going to the library. 13. What is Miss Ma going to do? She’s going to swim. 14. Is there a taxi near here? Yes, let’s go by taxi. III.Actions(动作): 1. Touch your nose and shake your head. 2. Sing and dance and rock with me. 3. Clap your hands and rock with me. 4. Touch your nose. 5. Turn around. 5. Shake hands with your partner. Ⅳ. Songs(歌曲)/chants(歌谣)———The alphabet rock Ⅴ.Grammar: 时间的表达: (一)询问时间:What’s the time? /What time is it? 回答: 1. 整点和半点的表示: 整点:数字+o’clock. 例如,4:00 four o’clock 半点:half past+数字 例如,10:30 half past ten 2. 以半点为界 半点以前用past 先说分再说时 例如, 5:15 quarter past five 半点以后用to 先说分再说时,但是要注意 60-分 to 时+1 例如:3:38 It’s twenty-two to four 汉语理解:还有…分就到…点了。 (二)表示将要发生的事: 一般将来时要用 be going to+ 动词的原型。 1. I am going to swim. 2.You are going to watch TV. 3.He is going to the party. 4.They are going to play football. Ⅵ.A text(作文): (1) My family: I am …. There are four people in my family. They are my father and mother, my sister and me. My father is a teacher. He teaches Science. My mother is a nurse. My sister and I are pupils. I have a happy family! (2) 介绍某人: This is …He is eleven years old. His birthday is in November. He is from England. He loves reading books. He can play the piano. He gets up at half past six. He goes to school at half past seven. Classes begin at ten past eight. He goes home at six o’clock. He does his homework at seven. He goes to bed at half past nine. Unit 1:A phone call Ⅰ.Words(单词): Ask before call CD-ROM do shopping Easter Easter Bunny get ill mobile phone moment over there paint phone box phone call programme see you tomorrow something squirrel storybook wait a moment website work wrong Ⅱ.Actions(动作) Make phone calls visit websites see films get messages take photos take notes play games listen to music learn English watch TV wa ... ...

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