
译林牛津版高中英语选修9 Unit 2 Witnessing time Reading1 课件(共21张 )

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:69次 大小:1073579Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件21张PPT。Unit 2 witnessing time Reading The Acropolis nowLead in2the AcropolisGreeceWhen we talk about Greece, What do you think of?Athena and mythologyAegean sea First Olympic Games2004 Olympic gamesLet's know more about GreeceRead para1 and answer the following questions:1. In which fields did the ancient Greeks make contributions to western civilization? Various fields:philosophy science mathematics art architecture theatre politics sport Roman alphabet2.Which sport is mentioned in the text?MarathonmarathonWhat is marathon? Do you know the origin of marathon?A long distance race created in honor of a Greek soldier who ran from Marathon to Athens to report the victory at the battle of Marathon in 490 BC.What will the writer mainly talk about in the article?philosophy science mathematics art architecture theatre politics Sport western or Roman alphabet architectureFast readingDo you want to know more About the Acropolis? 1.When was the Acropolis built? Why it was built? 2.What was the Acropolis made of? 3.Who gave the Acropolis its World Heritage listing?In the 5th century BC.It was made of marble.Read para2~7 as quickly as you can and answer the following questions :UNESCO.(About 2500years ago)United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organizationfirm In honour of the goddess of Athena.Detailed readingRead para2 and answer the following questions:Where was the Acropolis built? 2.What does the Acropolis consist of ? The Acropolis is a large flat rock in the center of Athens, rising up high above the city. three main temples:the Parthenon the Erechtheum the Temple of Athena Nikethe Temple of Athena Nike the smallest among the three; used to house a 13-metre-high gold-covered statue of Athena as the goddess of victoryThe Parthenon the largest of all three built between 447 and 432BC contained a gold statue of AthenaThe Erechtheum six females statues which support part of its roof Read para 3 – 4 carefully and find out what caused the damage to the Acropolis.warehouse, explosiontheftwar acid rainStole stonesStole the best sculpturespolluted airDeliberately:Unintentionally:unsucessful reconstructionwalking around the sitesNatural forcesManearthquake1.What did the government do to restore the Acropolis?Read para 5~7 and answer the following questions:Appoint a committee to undertake the complete repair of the Acropolis. 2.What is the committee doing to undertake the repair?Poor repair work A steady cleaning programme Statues have been removed Educate the publicConclusionFunction(1)Destruction(3-4)Construction(2)Restoration(5-7)Structure:Thank you

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