
Unit 2 What do flowers do? Lesson 5 课件 22张PPT

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:44次 大小:6088022Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件22张PPT。Unit Two What do flowers do?Lesson 5Oral English : What ...doing?A riddle: What am I?come outbecome greenerbecome yellow/ redfall off the treesa leaf a leaf leavesin different shapes/coloursmuseumguideWhat are they talking about?Which season are they talking about?What will happen(发生) in spring?The leaves and the grass will come out.The animals will wake up.Some birds will fly back.It will become warm.What’s the English for the different parts of a plant?Let's read . the facethe long hand the short handclockWhat’s the English for the different parts of a ___? What’s the English for the different parts of a ___? They are the___, the ___,and the___.the screenthe keyboardthe mouse a carrot plantbodytrunkan apple treeroots stemleaves seedsflowersfruitfruitroots stemflowersleavesleaves seeds→ Homework: 1.Read the dialogue on P9.(5 times) 2.Draw a picture of a plant and write the names of the different parts of the plant. 3. Plant the seeds into the soil. fruitsleavesstemseedsflowersfruitsroots

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