
Unit 7 It’s raining.单元练习卷(含答案无听力题)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:22次 大小:21740Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 7 It’s raining Ⅰ. 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) (  )1. —Hi, Lucy! Glad to see you. What are you doing here? —I'm _____ vacation now. A. on  B. in C. at  D. for (  )2. It's too _____ outside. You must put on your coat. A.hot B.cool C.cold D.warm (  )3. —Hello!_____ Lisa. Is that Linda speaking? —Sorry, she is not at home. A. This is B. I'm C. That is D. She is (  )4. —Is Jane washing the dishes _____ making dinner? —She's making dinner. A.and B.or C.but D.so (  )5. The weather here is warm, _____? A.isn't the weather B.is it C.isn't it D.doesn't the weather (  )6. —_____ the weather? —Cloudy. A. What's      B. How's C. How D. What (  )7. Mr. Smith always tells us _____ stories. A.interesting B.interested C.interest D.to interest (  )8. —What is Tom doing now? —He _____ basketball over there. A. is playing B. will play C. has played D. was playing (  )9. John is _____ at his friend's home. He _____ hard every day. A.studies; studies B.studying; studying C.studying; studies D.studies; study (  )10. —Is Lucy cooking Chinese food? —_____. She likes Chinese food a lot. A.Yes, she does B.No, she doesn't C.Yes, she is D.No, she isn't Ⅱ.完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) Hello, my name is Zhang Dan. I live in __11__ small village in Yunnan. The __12__ here is great. It isn't too hot in summer. And it isn't too cold in winter, __13__. It's always sunny. I __14__ living here. The village is a __15__ place, so many people come to __16__ it every year. There is a __17__ in my village and the water in it is very __18__. And I often drink it. I'm walking in the village now. Look! A woman is taking a photo __19__ a little girl. Two boys are reading books. Who is __20__ on the square(广场)? Oh, it's Wang Fang. She dances well. The life here is very relaxing, isn't it? (  )11.A.a  B.an  C.the  D./ (  )12.A.food B.weather C.life D.water (  )13.A.still B.also C.either D.too (  )14.A.like B.don't like C.remember D.don't remember (  )15.A.scary B.beautiful C.noisy D.funny (  )16.A.watch B.meet C.visit D.look (  )17.A.river B.library C.mountain D.shop (  )18.A.dirty B.clean C.hot D.cold (  )19.A.on B.in C.of D.at (  )20.A.singing B.dancing C.running D.playing Ⅲ.阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) It's a beautiful spring morning. There is no cloud in the sky, and the weather is warm but not hot. Mr. Green sees an old man at the bus station with a big umbrella(雨伞) in his hand. Mr. Green says to him, “Do you think it's going to rain today?” “No,” says the old man. “I don't think so.” “Then are you carrying the umbrella because it is too hot?” “No, it is not very hot in spring.” Mr. Green looks at the umbrella again, and the old man says, “I am an old man, and my legs are not strong(强壮的). I must have a walking stick(拐杖). But people always say, ‘Look! That man is so old.’ I don't like that. When I carry ... ...

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