
7BUnit 3 Welcome to Sunshine Town单元测验(无答案及听力题)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:96次 大小:36309Byte 来源:二一课件通
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初一英语周独立作业 I卷 (共60分) I.单项选择。(每空1分,共25分) ( ) 1. --Hello. May I speak to Daniel, please? -- Yes,_____. Who’s that? I am B. I’m C. this is D. speaking ( ) 2.--Is _____ ready for the trip? --No. we still need to buy a map before we start the trip. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing ( ) 3. --Will?you?come?to?join?us?in?the?trip???????? -- ?? ????.?You?see,?I?have?to?get?ready?for?my?coming?party.?????? ?Thank?you?????? B.?I'd?love?to?????? C.?I?am?afraid?not??? ?D.?All?right "Take?this?medicine?and?it?will?make?you?__better?soon,"?the?nurse?says?to?the?__?boy. A.?feel;?sick???????????? B.?to?feel;?sick????? C.?feeling;?ill????????? D.?feels;?ill ( ) 5. --I’m not feeling _____ these days, so I go to see a doctor. --But _____, you still do well in the exam. A. good, luckily B. well, unluckily C. good, lucky D. well, luckily ( ) 6. _____ young men in Beijing are _____ the housing problem now. A. Most of; worried B. Many; worrying about C. Most, worry D. Many of; worried about ( ) 7. --Do you have time tomorrow? --_____. I’m busy _____ my design for my new home. A. Yes, of course; doing B. I’m afraid not; with C. like; like D. like; likes ( ) 8. Why _____ him to your home and have a chat? A. not invite B. not inviting C. don’t you invite D.A&C (??? ??)9.?My?father?has?an?interesting?_____?and?he?_____.? A.work,?works?hard?????? B.?job,?works?hard???? C.?job,?works?hardly??? ??D.?work,?works?hardly (??? ??)10--Do you know Weifang? --Yes, it’s _____ kites. famous for B. famous to C. famous as D. famous in ( ) 11. The book isn’t _____. It belongs to _____. A. her; my B. yours; mine C. his; me D. hers; mine ( ) 12. The music sounds _____. I don’t like it at all. A. badly B. well C. good D. terrible ( ) 13. _____ mothers can’t come to the meeting because they go to Beijing. A. Sally’s and Jane B. Sally and Jane’s C. Sally’s and Jane’s D. Sally and Jane ( ) 14.--_____pencil case is it? --It must be _____. Who’s; Tom B. Who’s; Tom’s C. Whose; Tom’s D.Whose; Tom ( ) 15.--I am thinking of what to buy _____my mother _____a Women’s Day present. --Some flowers are OK. A.for; as B. to; for C. for; on D. as; for ( ) 16.--_____is it from your home to school?--Only 10 minutes’ ride on a ride. How long B.How often C. How far D. Where ( ) 17. --There are so many books . Will you please ask some students _____me _____them to the classroom? --OK. help; carry B. to help; carry C. helping; to carry D. to help; carrying ( ) 18. Each of us is looking forward _____ a good result. Let’s do it more carefully. to get B. for getting C. to getting D. for get ( ) 19. --I will meet you at the school gate. Don’t be late! --OK!_____. You are welcome. B. That’s great. C.I will. D. I won’t. ( )20. --There is lots of homework for me _____every day. -- How long does it usually take you _____ every day? do; doing B. to do; doing C. doing; to do D. to do; to do ( ) 21. My brother always drives me ____there _____some shopping in the tow ... ...

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