

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:83次 大小:3308191Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件22张PPT。中考英语阅读理解题型复习 Reading Comprehension 解题策略指导与运用山西英语近两年中考试卷听力测试—20书面表达—15词语运用—10基础知识—25阅读理解—50Reading plays the most important role in the exam!中考阅读理解题型信息匹配阅读选择任务型阅读阅读填词阅读还原…… When you in Rome, do as the Romans do. 五位同学在英语课上介绍了去五个国家旅游时要注意的风俗习惯, 请把每个人介绍的两部分互相匹配. CEBADKey information信息匹配请阅读下面辩论赛正反方的观点,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 In students’ daily talks, celebrities ( 名 人 ) are usually a hot topic, including their dress, behavior, families and other personal things. Then, is it a celebrity’s job(职责)to be a good role model? Please read the following students’ debate. It’s a celebrity’s job to be a good role model because people usually look up to stars. If a celebrity drinks and smokes , his fans will follow him because they look up to the celebrity so much .If a celebrity lifestyle is inappropriate for kids , then their parents should be more careful about what they let their kids see. A celebrity doesn’t have to try to be a good role model.They are famous because they worked hard at what they love for a living. They should,however,try to make good choices for themselves,not their fans.lots of stars have to post apology(道歉) letters after being caught doing bad things.It’s good , but if the only reason they do is to win back their fans, it’s not good. I think everyone should try to be a good role model,even if you are not a celebrity!You can still be a role model to your sisters and brothers, a younger neighbor,or anyone.But I think celebrities should be very good, because they are role models for so many people! Although it is a wonderful thing to be a good model,that’s not what the celebrities must do.They are famous because they love what they do and are good at it.Being a role model is never in the job.If the celebrity knows they are affecting the young people , they should try hard to set a good example. Is it a celebrity’s job to be a good role model?topic 主题thesis 论点supporting details 论据阅读选择 ( ) 1. Which of the following reason is NOT from the pros? A.People look up to the celebrities. B. Everyone should try to be a good role model. C. Celebrities get much love and support from fans. ( ) 3. According to the cons, how do some people become famous? A. By working hard at what they love. B. By setting a good example to others. C. By making good choices for themselves. ( ) 4. Which of the following is TRUE according to their words? A. It is easy for stars to win back fans. B. Stars may sometimes do something wrong. C. Family members should encourage kids to be stars. Details 细节 推理判断重原文常见的一些提问方式: We can guess … We can infer … The writer believes/suggests that…Inference 推理lots of stars have to post apology(道歉) letters after being caught doing bad things.( )5、What conclusion(结论) can we draw from their opinion ... ...

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