
Unit4 At the farm PartA 教案

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:14次 大小:8588Byte 来源:二一课件通
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教学设计 教师 姓名 单 位 上课年级 课题名称 俞思施 四年级 Unit4 At the farm A. Let’s talk 教学 材料 分析 本课时是新版PEP教材第四单元A部分的对话课型。主要目标是综合学生已有的语言知识,在理解对话的基础上能用正确的语音语调模仿对话,表演对话并积极创编对话。通过理解、模仿、表演、创编等方式进一步提高学生的综合语言运用能力,培养他们自主运用语言的积极态度。 教学 目标 能够听,说和认读单词: tomato, potato, carrot及其复数形式。 能够正确使用上述单词和these介绍各种农场蔬菜。 掌握句型: Are these carrots? Yes, they are,/ No, they aren’t. What are these? They are..。 教学 重点 能够听, 说和认读单词: tomato, potato, carrot及其附属形式 能够正确使用上述单词和these介绍各种农场蔬菜。 掌握句型: Are these carrots? Yes, they are,/ No, they aren’t. What are these? They are..。 教学 难点 能熟练掌握课文并且将知识运用于交际中。 能理解单词的复数形式以及相对应的问答 能自主创编新对话,并进行表达。 教学设计 教学 步骤 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Warm-up and revision Teacher shows picture about fruits T organizes Ss to sing a song about fruits. Ss review words about fruits, and can answer the questions. Ss can sing the song with words about fruits 通过复习水果的单词,从单数到复数,从旧知过渡到新知。水果复数的歌曲能调动学生的积极性导入教学。 Presentation and pratice 句型-What are these?-They are... T shows pictures about fruits, with the help of pointer, to teach new sentence. T presents new words: potatoes, tomatoes, carrots by picture. And make a chant about them. Pair work. Teacher makes an example of the sentence pattern. 句型: Are these...? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. Let’s guess. Teacher asks students to guess with some clues. Teacher shows a lots of picture firstly, then hide them. Teacher shows pictures of vegetables. Their fruits are covered. 1. Ss try to master the new sentences and use the sentence pattern: What are these? -They are... Ss try to master the new words and practice by chant. Ss try to ask and answer with the new pattern group by group. Students guess with the sentence: Are these...? Students should remember the position of tomatoes. Then they should guess with ‘ Are these ....?’. One asks, the others answer. Students do pair work, ask and answer with partner. 通过指针以及水果图片呈现句型What are these? They are... 以旧带新,用旧知操练新知。 通过chant 的形式,让学生在韵律中操练新知。 通过猜一猜的游戏形式,让学生在不知觉中使用新问句去表达。且激发学生的表达欲。 通过九宫格的形式,让学生借助短暂记忆猜测番茄的位置。操练句型。 在真实情境中使用目标语。 Consolidation and extension Teacher analyze the text with some questions. Teacher organizes Ss to imitate. T helps Ss to read, act or make a new dialogue. Students listen and watch to answer the question Ss imitate the dialogue. (imitate after the video → read along → role-read) Ss prepare for it and then act it out: 在表演文本和创编对话前先进行充分的语音语调模仿,为表演打基础。学生能创编新对话,并综合自己已有的语言知识,积极运用语言。 Homework 1. Finish work book. 2. Read the text for 5 times. 3. ... ...

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