
Module 4 Life in the future Unit 1 Everyone will study at home.研讨课课件(45张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:57次 大小:9776391Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件45张PPT。New words (write and read) chalk ruler carry change everything future in the future life need will maybe n. 粉笔 n. 直尺 v. 拿;带 v.& n. 改变;变化 pron. 每样事物;每件事;所有事物 n. 将来;未来; 将来 n.生活;生命 v.& v.aux. 需要 v.aux. 将;将要;将会 adv. 也许ask question answers to the questions by level able be able to more not ...any more free different v. 询问;问 n. 问题 问题的答案 prep. 用;靠;乘(交通工具) n. 水平 adj. 能够......的 能够做...... adv.更加;更 ,adj.更多的 不再...... adj. (时间)空闲的;空余的 adj. 不同的 Life in the FutureModule 4未来的生活Maybe(也许) it’s a classroom in 10 years’ time (10年以后).Unit 1Everyone will study at home 每个人都将会在家里学习Studying aims: 1. 学会使用一般将来时:will +动词原形 用来描述未来将会发生的动作或存在的状态,对未 来生活进行预测和想象。 2. 能听懂谈论未来的简短对话,能判断未来事实。 3. 能简单问答未来生活,谈论自己对未来生活的预测。chalk mobile phones level questionsrulersTask 1: Check the new words. (Write and read) What do you think of our school life today?blackboardpaperpenserasersWe often use _____ and_____ in our maths lesson.2. Our teachers use _____ to write on the _____.4. The teacher can check students’ _____(水平) by asking _____3. Students write with _____ and _____5. Students can’t use at school.6. Our school _____ is busy but good fun.lifeis able toPre-listening(Look and think) What will our school life be like in 10 years(10年以后)?1 Will our life be different in the future? Yes, it will. / No, it won’t. 2 Will our schools change? Yes, they will. / No, they won’t. …Write your ideas as many as possible.Students Teachers … study at home carry lots of books do lots of homework be free use books use computers use pens, paper and erasers use chalk on a blackboard … … willwon’tSpeaking:Everyone says one more sentence, but not the same. orWhile-listening: Task 2 Listen and finish the table.20lifeEverythingComputersonly一听:速记(单词首字母或汉语提示词) 二听:检查答案并补充单词Ms Li: Do you often think about the future? What will change in 20 years? Will our lives be different? The_____? Our clothes? Our school? Lingling: Yes, everything will be_____. We'll use computers, and they'll be very small and_____. And we only need one book to _____ to school! Ms Li: Oh, good. Anybody _____?weatherdifferentelselightcarryWhile-listening: Task 3 Listen and fill in the blanks.1)What are they talking about? A. They are talking about the schools in the future. B. They are talking about the schools today. C. They are talking about students’ homework. 2) Who thinks there won't be a school in the future? A. Betty B. Daming C.Tony 3). Will students have a lot of free time? A.Yes, they will. B.No, they won’t. C. We don't know.While-listening: Task 3 Listen and choose the right answer.提示:听前浏览问题,抓住关键词(特殊疑问词、人名)Daming thinks … Betty thinks… …Daming Betty Tony While-listening: Task 4 Listen and check the students’ ideas about the future. √√√ ... ...

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