
Unit 2 Feelings Lesson 10 课件(共15张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:20次 大小:1323177Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件15张PPT。Lesson10Unit2 FeelingsWarm up游戏,画鼻子。Listen,look and say.foxboneThe fox is happy.lionangryThe lion is angry.Revision Work in pairs.Why are you so angry,Lion? The fox took away my bone.Why are you so angry,lion?The fox took away my bonePresentation Why are you so afraid,Rabbits? A big bad wolf is coming to us. Stop!1. Listen,look and say.Practice pigwolfafraidThe three little pigs are afraid.2. Work in pairs.Why are you so afraid,Little Pigs? A big bad wolf is coming.Group workWhy are you so afraid,Little Pigs?A big bad wolf is comingStop!Why are you so afraid,Little Pigs? A big bad lion is coming to us.Why are you so afraid,Little Pigs? A big bad tiger is coming to us.Why are you so afraid,Little Pigs? A big bad fox is coming to us.5. Let’s sing!The three little pigs are very afraid. Why are you so afraid,Little Pigs? A big bad wolf is coming to us. A big bad wolf is coming to us. Stop!改变歌词一:The goat is very afraid. Why are you so afraid,Goat? A big bad wolf is coming to me. A big bad wolf is coming to me. Stop!改变歌词二:The rabbit is very afraid. Why are you so afraid,Rabbit? A big bad lion is coming to me. A big bad lion is coming to me. Stop!Summary 词汇短语:come afraid stopusbad; 会用句型 is afraid. Why are you so afraid,Little Pigs? a big bad wolf is coming to us.Homework 请记住这些词的音形义come afraid stopusbad 。

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