
Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents SectionB 1a-1e (课件+同步练习+教案设计+素材)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:50次 大小:37745346Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Section B 1a-1e 同步练习 一、选用所给单词的正确形式填空。 snack pressure member waste offer 1.The students have too much _____. 2.They often have a healthy ____ in the restaurant. 3. From now on, he is a _____ of the organization. 4. There are many ways to deal with right_____. 5. Please _____ the girl a warm coffee. 二、英汉互译。 1.play sports_____ 2.hang out with friends_____ 3.talk to parents or other family member_____ 4.spend time alone_____ 5. read books_____ 6.看电影_____ 7.给我许多压力_____ 8.有足够的空闲时间_____ 9.和父母吵架_____ 10.和我的同学竞争_____来源:学科网][来源:Z§xx§k.Com] 三、句型转换。 1. She is so young that she can’t read.(同义句) She is ____ young _____ read. 2. He got up so early, but he was still late for school. (同义句) _____ he got up so early, he was still late for school. 3.The boy hung out with his friends yesterday. (一般疑问句) _____ the boy _____ out with his friends yesterday? 4. You should talk to your parents.( 否定句) You ____ ____ talk to your parents. 5.在学校,我不得不和我的朋友竞争。(翻译) At school , I have to _____ _____ my classmates . 四、单项选择。 ?( ?)1.Teachers?complain?about?____tired?kids?in?the?classroom. A. teach?? B. taught?? C. teaching?? D. teaches?? ?(??)2.I?_____home?until?finish?my?homework.?? A .won’t?go?? B. will?go?? C. go??? D. went?? (??)3. It’s time?_____homework.?? A. at?? B. for?? C. to??? D. with?? ?(??)4. It’s?time?___?do?homework.?? A. at?? B. for?? C .to??? D. with? ?(??)5.They’?re?_____.??? A. enough?busy??B. busy?enough? C. enough?busies?? D. busy?to?enough 五、单句辨错。 1. I am crazy at music .( ) A B C D 2. There are many different kind of animals.( ) A B C D 3. It is time for go to school.( ) A B C D 4.It seems a kind of foolish.( ) A B C D 5.I have many time to play basketball. ( ) A B C D 六、任务型阅读Many?famous?people?had?dreams?when?they?were?young.?They?often?worked?hard?to?make? their dreams?come?true.?When?I?was?only?13?years?old,?I?first?thought?about?what?I?should?do?in?the ?future.?I?used?to?dream?about?being?a?basketball?player,?a?soccer?player,?or?a?baseball?player.?However,?I?gave?up?these?dreams?because?I?was?too?short.?Then?I?thought?about?going?into?music,?so?I ?bought?a?guitar.?But?I?couldn’t?play?it?very?well.?Then?I?had?to?give?up?my?dream?again.?After?that?I?thought?about?being?a?reporter?and?I?worked?really?hard?at?it.?At?the?age?of?25,?my?dream?came ?true?and?I?became?a?reporter.?[来源:学科网ZXXK][来源: Finally,?I?learned?the?truth?about?making?dreams?come?true.?I?should?never?give?up?and?I?must?work?hard.? Answer?the?questions?according?to?the?passage. 1.?How old?was?the?writer?when?he?first?had?a?dream???? _____ 2.?Why?did?he?give?up?being?a?basketball?player???? _____ 3.?How?many?dreams?did?he?give?up?? _____ 七、 短文填空 We?can’t?stop?an?earthquake(地震),?but?we?can?do?things?to?make?sure?they?don’t?destroy(毁坏)?whole?cities.?First,?it?is?not?a?1?._____??idea?to?build?houses?along?lines?where??2.? ... ...

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