
Module 5 Cartoon stories 全模块导学案(无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:52次 大小:40355Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 5 Cartoon stories Unit 1 It’s time to watch a cartoon. 【学习目标】 1. 知识目标:掌 握 下 列 重 点 单 词 和 词 组 的 意 思 和 用 法: cartoon, handsome, smart, someone, fight, humorous, hero, can’t help doing sth. , laugh 等。 2. 能力目标:在对话中更深刻地了解三种时态的用法和区别。 3.情感目标:能够阅读卡通故事,学会更好地理解别人,从而更懂得体谅关爱别人。 【重点及难点】 1. 重点:掌握重点单词和词组的意思和用法; 2. 难点:了解三种时态的用法和区别。 【学习步骤】 : 课前预习 一、根据句意和首字母写单词: 1. He is so h_____ that he always makes people laugh. 2. Soldiers should p_____ their country. 3. They f_____bad people. 4. He is a h_____ young man. 二、短语: 1. 以快乐的方式结束_____ 2到做...的时间了_____ 3.在空中飞过_____ 4.与坏人战斗 _____ 5.爬上_____ 6.用手和脚_____ 7.真酷。_____ 8. 一个真正的英雄_____ 9.好吧_____ 10.禁不住笑 _____ 11.打败这只猫_____ 12.互相保护_____ 三、句子 我们为什么不看《蜘蛛侠》呢?_____ 我想成为像他一样的人_____ 他一直和坏人做斗争_____ 我认为我们不同意。_____ 他们虽然总是打架,但是他们彼此真的友爱_____ 我觉得我们应该从中学点什么_____ 课堂学习过程 【合作探究】 Step1. Ask and answer. 1.What kind of cartoons do you like 2.Do cartoons always end in a happy way 3.What cartoons do you think are funny Step2. Listen and find out Betty’s and Tony’s answers to the questions in Activity 1. brave, cartoon, cute, funny, handsome, smart Do they like the same cartoons as you 】Step3. Listen and answer. 1. What are Tony and Daming talking about 2. What does Daming think is better Step4 Read the dialogue and mark true or false. 1. Daming and Tony have finished their homework. ( ) 2. Spiderman can fly, but he can’t climb up buildings with his hands and feet. ( ) 3. At last Daming and Tony watch Tom and Jerry together. ( ) Step5. Read and answer the questions. 1. What does Tony think about Spiderman 2. Why does Daming think Superman is better 3. Why do they both like Tom and Jerry 4. What lesson can Tony learn from Tom and Jerry Step6【Language points】 1. Do cartoons always end in a happy way 卡通片常以快乐的方式结束吗? in a … way 表示“以一种…的方式”。 e.g. He talked about it___ ____ _____ _____ . 他对此事有不同的说法。 2. It’s time to watch a cartoon. 是时候看卡通片了。 It’s time to do sth. 表示“该做某事的时候了”。 It’s time for sth./doing sth.表示“该做某事的时候了”。 e.g._____ .或_____ 该吃早饭了。 3.Why don’t we + 动词原形 = Why not +动词原形 为什么不……呢? 我们为什么不乘公交车去那里呢? _____ _____ _____ _____ there by bus = _____ _____ _____ there by bus 4. He can fly through the sky and fight bad people. 他能在空中飞并且打败坏人。 fight v. (fought, fought) 与……战斗 n. 战斗;斗争 fight sb. “和某人打仗” fight for sth. “为…打仗” e.g. Let’s fight _____ together. 让我们一起来克服学习中的困难。 5. He keeps fighting bad people. 他坚持和坏人作斗争。 1)keep doing sth. “坚持做某事”。。 We must keep _____ English every day. 我们必须坚持每天学英语。 2) keep sb. / sth. from doing sth. “阻止某人不要去做某事/ 阻止某 ... ...

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